~chapter 10~ happiness

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Taylor's POV (August 1st)

Today is the first full day that I have Chloe back. She's mine. For good. I am permanently, her legal guardian. It's on paper. Legal paper. I'm a mom. The foster is taken out. I am not Chloe's foster mom... I'm Chloe's mom. It's like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulder. 5 months ago I would've laughed at the thought of being a mom. Having a child rely on me for everything, would've scared me to death back then. But ever since I saw that tiny, scared, little girl in the stadium, I knew, I knew motherhood was what I wanted. I became her foster mom, and now I'm just her mom. God really does work in crazy ways. I really wish she wouldn't have been taken away from me. It was only for 19 days but it felt like an eternity. And those 19 days, undid everything we had accomplished. Every challenge we faced, every fear we conquered, erased. 19 days, one man, ruined all our hard work. My happy Chloe is gone.

Chloe walks into the kitchen as I'm cooking and looks at the sink. The dishes are piled up. "Hey Chlo.." She cuts me off and runs to the sink, "I'm doing it, I'm doing it, don't spank me!" I shake my head, "No baby no. You don't need to do the dishes. That's mommy's job." I walk towards her and offer her my hands slowly. She holds them as I look into her eyes, "You are just a little girl. You're my daughter, not my slave. You are never going to be forced to do grown up work. You are loved here. And your feelings are valid. Always." Chloe nods as tears stream down her cheeks, "I'm sorry." I shake my head, "No need to apologize baby. None of this is your fault." She looks at me confused, "My fear isn't my fault?" I shake my head, "No baby. It's not. You've just been through a lot." She nods still a little confused.

"Do you want some pasta?" I ask her. Her face lights up, "More food!? Yes please!" That hurts me. I'm feeding her a regularly timed meal. My poor baby. "Come sit down," I say. She sits down in her usual chair and I give her a bowl of pasta. "Thank you, mommy," she says shyly. I kiss her head and sit down next to her. Olivia throws up all over the floor next to us. Chloe looks at Olivia then at me, "Can I finish eating before I clean it?" I look at her sadly, "I've got it." I get up and clean Olivia's puke. Why did my 4 year old... 4 YEAR OLD, have to clean up cat puke, and wash the dishes. She's a child!

When Chloe is done eating her pasta she pushes her chair in, throws her napkin away, and washes her bowl in the sink. 3 things you would not expect or enforce out of a 4 year old. "Thank you, Chloe," I say softly. "You're welcome? For what?" She looks at me. "For cleaning up after yourself," I say. She just gives me a weird look, "I don't wanna get yelled at." I shake my head, "It's my job to look after you, clean up after you, and care for you squirt." She cries and repeats, "squirt." I pick her up and hold her close, "Mommy loves you so much." She sniffles. "Do you wanna cuddle and watch Bluey?" She looks at me as her mouth folds into a smile, "Yes!" I giggle and carry her over to the couch.

She cuddles up next to me as I turn Bluey on. "Mommy?" I look at her, "hmm?" She points to Benjamin, "Can I snuggle him?" I smile, "Of course." Chloe picks up the cat. Benji fights it at first but then I give him a mom glare and he behaves. "Hey Chlo, do you feel okay with going to LA? I have to do 6 shows, we would leave tomorrow morning. If you don't wanna go you can stay with Austin and his girlfriend." Chloe looks at me scared, "I wanna go with you mommy." I nod, "Okay sweets."

(August 2nd)
And that's what we do. The next morning I make Chloe strawberry pancakes and then we head to LA. The plane ride was really rough. All the work we put in to her feeling safe while flying went to waste and she's terrified again. But I won't give up on her, ever. This is just a mountain we have to climb all over again. When we landed in LA my driver took us straight to my house. I took my important bags and only a few things of Chloe's since I now have stuff for her at every property.
My guards brought the cat carriers inside. Chloe looks at them, "Mommy, can I let them out?" I smile, "Yep go ahead." She giggles and lets the cats out of their carriers. Meredith runs away, Olivia comes over to me, and Benji cuddles up to Chloe's feet.

Safe & Sound- (A Taylor Swift AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن