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In the calm slowness of the night, office workers rushing to catch the last trains and people starting to withdraw into their homes for the day, it was peaceful as darkness draped over the quiet city. Then, people were rudely awakened from their slumber by a strange tremor. A quick look from any window would allow one to spot the large, pulsating glow of light hanging in the air, as though someone had ripped the sky apart and revealed a blinding alternate reality. Before you could even be mesmerised by its startling beauty, things start to pour from it, winged beasts and snarling creatures, dripping in black and attacking anything that moves. A terrifying, horrifying sight.

As these alien-like beings flooded the streets and landed on roofs, yards and shops, all of a sudden, an incredible blue-tinged streak of lightning struck the ground where the most creatures had congregated.

The beasts scattered, providing time and space for survivors to flee and for a small group of people to gather. A slender man casually strolled up to the centre of the street, grasping a tablet with one hand and the other with two fingers pressed to his temples. He approached the group with a lovely, carefree smile on his face, as though they weren't currently in an almost apocalyptic situation. "As expected, Evnne is so prompt," He said sweetly.

"You called us here on game night," One man said, stretching lightly, "We were up anyway, Seowon."

Seowon scanned the group, then remarked, "No Jihoo today? Just four? That's unexpected."

"It's past his bedtime so Keita said no," Another man explained.

"It's not even midnight," Seowon said, deadpan.

"He's a growing child, he needs his sleep," The presumed leader, Keita, interrupted, joining them with his hands full of their metal weapons. As though he didn't listen, Seowon hummed as he swiped at his tablet, musing softly, "Just Keita, Hanbin, Seungeon and Yunseo today. Ah, it'll be good to try T-guild too"

"Is this an S-class dungeon?" Park Hanbin asked, crouching low in a strange warm-up position.

"Nope, double S-class," Seowon replied, fixated on his tablet.

"That's delicious," Hanbin laughed, his tongue darting past his lips like a maniac.

"Are we waiting for someone?" Yoo Seungeon asked, eyeing the bright dungeon with interest.

"Onepact. I hope you don't mind but it is midnight and it is an SS class, so we'd like to wrap up cleanly and quickly," Seowon looked tired, his voice was chirpy but his eye bags heavy. Finally tearing his attention off his tablet, Seowon took in the jittery Evnne, so full of anticipation, then rolled his eyes, "Fine, go in first you impatient babies. If you die I'm not responsible."

"We'll clear it before Onepact comes," Hanbin promised proudly. Seowon quirked an eyebrow, "Jongwoo will not like that. The entire team is coming, straight from the airport."

"Their loss," Keita said curtly, before the four shot towards the dungeons, Hanbin whooping like a mad man. Seowon sighed, then turned to greet another pair, pleasantly surprised. "You two are early," He noted, as two equally exhausted people joined his side. "I just woke up from my three hour sleep of the week," Chen Kuanrui complained, "Because Evnne made a mess for that A-class dungeon two days ago. And now there's a double S class one." Next to him, a sleepy Na Kamden blinked groggily.

"We'll see," Seowon soothed, before his eyes lit up, waving as a black van screeched to a halt next to them.

"Evnne went in already," He reported the second the door was flung open. "Oh," Lee Yedam softly said, a little crestfallen. Yoon Jongwoo made a face at the driver's seat, then slouched and said, "We'll go in fifteen minutes."

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