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"We are on the news," Was the statement Evnne woke up too from Keita. The members, having been so exhausted they were unwilling to climb a single flight of stairs to their rooms, slept together on the sprawling sofa. In the middle of the night, the other missing members crawled down to join them, it appears, all seven were clumped together like squirrels in the winter. Keita, an early riser, was watching the morning news on mute.

"Good or bad news?" Seungeon asked through a yawn. "Good, I guess," Keita mused, before switching it off. "Also, Seunghwan dropped us a message," Keita added, raising his phone, "He's done with half of our order. So Jihoo and Junghyun can go collect your stuff today. And, Jeonghyeon, he wants to ask you something before he finishes up yours." Jihoo cheered from his corner, swathed in blankets.

"The rest of us will go for the meeting with T-guild and Onepact," Keita concluded. "Yikes, will Kamden and Kuanrui be there?" Hanbin asked, stretching like a cat. They woke up only in the late morning, warm sun rays were starting to heat up their suite through the tall glass windows.

"Kamden took the day off. I heard Kuanrui started drafting his letter of resignation."

Meanwhile, Yunseo was shaking his head and laughing as he and Seungeon worked to extract Jihoo from his bundle, "It's been more than a year but I can't get over their name...T-guild...."

"So creative," Jihoo snorted, "So charming."

"Be nice, Junhyun likes the name," Seungeon chided, but stifled a laugh. Lying down with his head on Jeonghyeon's lap, Hanbin asked, "Do we all have to go? I genuinely think Kuanrui will murder me if I show up."

"You deserve it," Jihoo said dryly and ducked to avoid a pillow hurled at him.

"Fine, don't go. We'll just send Seungeon. They can't get mad at him."

"Oh, I'm fine with that."

"Some leader you are," Jeonghyeon scoffed, from behind Hanbin.

"You're lucky you can survive a lightning strike."

Eventually, it was decided they would all leave to attend to their various responsibilities, even with the possibility they would not come back alive. As the majority of them lounged around for the 2pm meeting, the other three went off to run their errand. Jeonghyeon, the only one with a licence, drove. Jihoo was fidgety, obviously excited to receive a new toy.

Seunghwan's workshop had a modest exterior but everyone who knew him personally was aware of the hefty sum he paid to acquire a special forge. As one of Korea's best and limited weapons makers, he was quite sought after. All three guilds were frequent customers of his. So it wasn't too much of a surprise when they slipped through a small rickety door and found themselves staring at familiar faces.

"You're here too?"

Standing before Seunghwan's main counter were two hunters from T-guild, Kum Junghyun and Choi Woojin. T-guild comprised of two small guilds that merged due to the similarities in the mechanics of their abilities, ice and crystal.

"To collect an order, yes. We found a good jewel in a dungeon a while back, we were thinking of making something for the other section," Junhyun said good-naturedly, aftering greeting them with a wave.

"How nice."

They were silent for a bit, all not sure what kind of conversation they could strike up. Most of them dragged their eyes around Seunghwan's quaint little area, decently welcoming for a waiting area. Then, Woojin piped up, "I heard there was a sudden dungeon raid last night."

"Yep," Jeonghyeon confirmed, "And none of us went. The others did, though. A shame. Double S...I've only been allowed into one."

Junhyun shrugged, "It's not that cool. Typically smells worse than the usual but. It's just bigger."

trouble - evnneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon