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After a quick recovery, Jihoo bounced back to perfect shape while the other two were already up and running about with no issue. Keita received the weekly report that there were no forecasted dungeon appearances for the next two months. There were mixed feelings, some a little worried it would get too boring around here, others relieved they got some time off from the action and danger. Hence, most of their time was now spent training and focusing on administrative issues.

Hanbin, their merciless but proficient training supervisor, doubled their training sessions "so we don't get rusty", much to their dismay, but the feisty hunter had no qualms with literally dragging the members to train so everyone begrudgingly followed.

They lingered around their training hall, a large wide hall with a lofty ceiling, mostly insulated with felt carpet, padded walls and no exposed metal, perfect for their electricity to go wild.

Finally, Hanbin came with the last member (Jihoo, he had been hiding in his room in hopes of avoiding practice), like a puppy held at the scruff of its neck. "And we're all here now," Hanbin cheerfully dropped Jihoo down and swept his gaze across the room, doing a quick headcount of the members. "Alright! Since T-guild cancelled the training due to unfortunate circumstances, we won't be training with them today." Evnne all looked relieved and pleased, evidently hopeful to just train within their group.

"So, we're training with Onepact today!"

Everyone's face immediately fell and they whined and groaned like children. "Hanbin, why do you do this to us?" Jeonghyeon complained, "You know we're not suited at all!"

"You don't get such a choice in the real world!"

"We are disadvantaged because we can't kill them," Jihoo mused, lying on the ground and moving about as though making snow angels.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that."

"Hanbin can't we just fight you-"

"Aren't you getting sick of being beaten by me-"

"Wow look at this annoying guy-"

"Hey, Onepact is here," Seungeon announced from his position at the window, peering down to spot their signature black van pull over. "Nice!" Hanbin chirped, clasping his hands together tightly, "You guys will have so much fun."

"Ah, we're all gonna hate this," Jihoo joked, slotting his metal claws carefully on his fingers, wiping off dust and smudges. The members starting to warm up slightly, pacing a little or stretching lightly.

Yunseo pointed to the door and said, "They'll be here in three, two, one-" And the door swung open, Jongwoo leading the group and, interestingly, two additional members at the rear.

The Evnne members greeted the Onepact members as they strolled in and filled the area, then Jongwoo started off by lightly teasing, "We have some audience members so you better give your best today."

"Oh? That's new."

"They're visiting, we're just showing them around Korea," Jay added, "Maybe if they're lucky, they'll get to participate in an unexpected raid."

"Hm, there aren't any forecasts for the next two months," Hanbin remarked, doing his strange floor stretches again.

"You never know. Anyways, Evnne, meet the members of China's Hao Yue guild, Zihao and Tianyue," Jongwoo introduced.

Hanbin gasped when the two figures stepped up, "You- you're Ollie, aren't you?" Tianyue flashed an impish grin, nodding. Hanbin's eyes brightened, "I've watched your programs! You're so cute in real life. And you-"

As Hanbin fawned over the two Chinese hunters, Jihoo whispered to those near him, "Who?" Junghyun shrugged, not knowing any better. "He's on tv a lot," Seungeon explained in a low voice, "He's like...one of China's best at fine control. A lot like the two of you. Wang Zihao is...more like Keita and Hanbin."

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