ending note

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Well, this was interesting. I truly didn't intend for this to have a plot and I certainly wanted to keep it light-hearted but here it is. I did want to just keep talking about their daily lives, their raids, etc, but I'm so tired of this lol. But it was good while it lasted, I enjoyed writing the start of this book and planning out everything. I was and am obsessed with Evnne (and the other boys planet groups) as a found family. I think it got kick-started when I watched the vlog of them cooking for Jihoo before he went to school. I wish I could explore that more. Maybe I'll come back to it one day.

Two concepts I want to clarify mostly because I hope it was obvious.

First, this wasn't my initial plan but when it was suggested to me by my sister it made so much sense and I was like haha why not right. But I intended for the dungeon and hunter system to basically be like how boys planet was, with contestants fighting for their lives and the star creators, aka the sponsors, controlling the game and everything. Ie put young kids in highly dangerous and traumatic situations for entertainment!!! I thought it was funny. I thought it would be ironic.

Second, this I hope it was well-conveyed but the three locked dungeons had a theme going on lol. Tiot went into a dungeon of nightmares, where they all were faced with their fears. Evnne went into a dungeon of dreams, where they got to see everything they wanted super badly but didn't plan to pursue. And to balance it out, Onepact went into the dungeon of realities, where they got to see themselves, in other realities. Did not plan these dungeons out and it came back to haunt me after that.

But I hope you're still able to enjoy this, because I did my best lol. Thank you for reading and supporting.

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