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As Hanbin frantically called for Keita, he noticed Jeonghyeon wandering off, as though entranced by something. "Lee Jeonghyeon, you-" He was about to cuss him out, then Seungeon slipped past one mirror, Yunseo vanished around a corner, Jihoo strayed just a bit too far and suddenly, he was completely alone.

"Hah, this dungeon," Hanbin scoffed, "This is worse than that SS-class." As he ran his hand through his hair in frustration, out of the corner of his eye, he realised his supposed reflection wasn't following his actions. Instead, it showed him with his hands loosely placed by his side, a warm expression on his face.

"Real funny," Hanbin murmured as he approached his reflection, with its unflinching stare, "What's your deal?"

"What if I told you I could give you everything you've wanted?" The reflection's uncanny resemblance to himself, his voice and mannerisms, startled Hanbin into silence. "What do I want?" Hanbin deflected the question with another question, careful to conceal any trace of intrigue in his voice.

There was an evil glint of greed in his reflection's eyes. "You've always wanted to build your own guild, become the strongest guild leader, ever since you presented as a hunter!"

Another bout of silence. It was bizarre but strangely comforting to address such a topic head-on. He's never shared such a sentiment to his Evnne members, it had always been a thought he kept tucked in the recesses of his mind. A small, selfish desire. Hanbin cocked his head, considering, before saying, "It's true. I've always longed to be the best. I've always worked to be the best."

For a moment, the reflection looked triumphant. Then Hanbin continued, "But I've known the two Jungs for forever, I've had a blast training with Seungeon and Yunseo, I look up to Keita tremendously and I love watching Jihoo grow up. I may have wistful moments, but I have never regretted joining Evnne."

His reflection looked perplexed, as though not expecting this answer. Then, he finally said, "Think about it, won't you? I can give you everything you've ever wanted."

Hanbin chuckled, "Baby, I'm on the top of the world with Evnne. But I'll see you when I see you. For now, bye!"

And he raced off, taking random turns, shouting for his beloved Evnne members.


Yunseo knew there was something shifty about the mirrors, the way there was just something small that wasn't quite right with the way the reflection appeared.

Which is how he found himself facing his reflection that wasn't him. This reflection looked younger, slightly less tired and well-built. This reflection was from his past.

The reflection crooned, "Don't you miss your old guild, with Seungeon, and those hunters who retired? Don't you want that back? I can bring you back to that time."

Yunseo tilted his head, "The old Yuehua members retired for a reason, it doesn't make sense for them to return to being hunters. They've received a once in a lifetime opportunity. I am happy for them."

"Deep down you know you miss it," His reflection crooned.

Yunseo honestly couldn't tell if the longing gaze in the mirror was his or the illusion's, but still forced out, "Why be fixated on the past? I was jealous then, but I want to move forward now."

His reflection raised an eyebrow doubtfully, "Do you say that to sleep better at night?"

Then, the slightly muffled but unmistakable sound of Hanbin's voice could be heard calling out for them.

Yunseo's reflection only smirked, "Well, looks like I'll have to talk to you later. Think about it, yeah?"

Before Yunseo could choke out a response, Hanbin emerged from a corner, his entire face lighting up in delight when he caught sight of Yunseo.

"Thank goodness," Hanbin gushed as he threw himself towards Yunseo, "You're the first one I found. Come, let's keep moving. we gotta find the rest!"

And Yunseo fondly smiled at Evnne's second in command. "Of course."


Seungeon personally found this dungeon enchanting. It was a pleasant change from the usual sweaty, hectic mess of a dungeon raid that they were used to. Granted, it was unnerving and weird, but still something new. As he marvelled at the muli-coloured, mesmerising glass surfaces, a gentle tune started to play. At first, it was awfully soft, Seungeon had to strain his ears as he followed the song. Once he found himself wandering through the confusingly similar pathways, the sweet song got louder.

"Do you like it?"

Seungeon swivelled around to find the source of the voice, only to realise he was surrounded by identical reflections of himself. But they didn't look as startled and terrified as he felt.

"Haven't you always loved music? As a child, your ideal career was a musician. That was crushed when you presented as a hunter, though. Your sense of duty was far more compelling, hm?" His reflection spoke with his light voice but his words were laced with cruel pity.

Seungeon froze, not sure how to even respond to such a sudden question. "Don't you regret it? I know you do," His reflection murmured.

The mirror's reflection rippled, revealing a stage swathed in darkness, before flashing spotlights danced about and he saw a lone figure standing in the centre of that wide stage, armed with a thin microphone stand.

"I can give you this. All the fame you've ever wanted, as a singer! All the freedom to do the thing you loved most."

Seungeon didn't know how but he lost feelings in his legs, singing down to the floor as he watched himself perform, a crowd of adoring fans filling the concert hall. His eyes pricked with tears, heart aching for the future he had expected but didn't get. Clinging to the mirror like a drowning man to a life raft, Seungeon observed his doppelganger, pure passion written all over his face.

What a dream.

"Seungeon!" His head whipped around and standing behind a pile of broken glass was Hanbin and Yunseo. Warmth suddenly spread through his tight chest, he didn't even realise how chilled he had become, with goosebumps riddled on his skin. He turned back to his expectant reflection, "I can do all of this after I retire as a hunter. I still have so much life to live! But right now, I know what I must do."

With a small wave, Seungeon extended his hand and sent a bolt of electricity straight to his reflection, cracking the glass and warping his now seemingly normal reflection.

"Hey you," Seungeon rose to his feet to greet his teammates, their mouths agape and eyes glinting with pride. "You looked so cool," Hanbin cooed as he rushed up to embrace his fellow hunter.

"Come," Yunseo urged, "Let's move onwards."

an: sorry if this is starting to get a bit repetitive.

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