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They spent a good amount of time poking through the remaining structures and took extreme pleasure in destroying them when they realised it was either a dead end or contained another illusion.

And finally, there was only one cluster of mirrors still intact, looking suspiciously like the entrance they took to come in.

"That is so unfunny."

"Well," Keita sighed, a little tired of the annoying push and pull of the dungeon, "Doesn't matter. We're getting out and this time, no one strays off without anyone else."

After a chorus of agreements, they stepped around the mirrors, grateful that they were ordinary mirrors with no illusions, this round.

And then, there was what seemed to be a portal that resembled the dungeon gate they had entered. "I wonder how much time has passed," Hanbin suddenly remarked, cocking his head as he watched the colourful swirls in the portal.

"We'll find out when we get out. Which we are doing, now."

The two youngest flit in first, at Keita's order. Then Hanbin went in to check on them and Seungeon was too eager to follow. Yunseo urged Keita to go first, since there was something he could see right at the corner of his eye.

It was his reflection, which was to be expected. But again, this reflection was dressed differently.

"Ji Yunseo."

Yunseo paused right outside the portal, where he could hardly see the figures of his members.

"I'll give you one last chance to return to the past. Will you take it?"

"Yunseo? Hey, what's going on?" Hanbin's shouts sounded distorted, barely there, as though he was speaking through water. Perhaps Yunseo had even subconsciously tuned out his words, as he looked into the promising eyes of his reflection.

Then Yunseo shook his head, a small sad smile on his face, "Not right now." And he turned to slip through the portal where his members were waiting with relief and open arms.

"And that's the last of us," Seungeon laughed when Yunseo finally stepped through, only for him to frown in concern, "...Where are the other two?"

At once, everyone swivelled around and indeed, there were only five of them gathered together. "Not again!" Hanbin screamed in frustration, nearly tearing his hair out as he paced.


In truth, since Jihoo and Junghyun had been the first to step through the portal, they were the ones who got the most time to register their new location. And what they did notice were a bunch of frames, intricate and large, scattered about hanging in the air, but no paintings or photographs adorned them. Jihoo was especially mesmerised by a thin rectangular frame that could fit a human. While it was empty, Jihoo realised it was yet another portal.

Once Hanbin had emerged and Seungeon closely behind, the two older members were focused on ensuring the other two members appeared.

And so Jihoo did what he did best, which was not following Keita's instructions. Jihoo dragged Junghyun with him through that tall frame, since it technically didn't go against Keita's words. Junghyun didn't even have time to protest before they were gone.

They found themselves in the first solid room they've been in for a while. Jihoo marvelled at the walls around them while Junghyun looked a little queasy.

The room was bright and airy, blinding white walls pristine and empty. Before them, was a table, set for three, overflowing with foods typically served for high tea. And seated behind the table, was a girl. The girl impishly grinned, showing pearly, slightly fanged teeth. She looked youthful and pretty, but there was something dangerous, something off-putting and other-worldly about her. In her hand, she held a dainty teacup, fingers delicately curled around the handle. Still, they approached her, perhaps because of her persistent, alluring stare, or maybe because she was the first seemingly human interaction they had in a while.

"Hello," She greeted in a light, tinkling voice. "Hi," Jihoo replied awkwardly.

"It's good to meet you face to face. I've been waiting for you. Please sit," She cooed. They obliged, stiffly, Junghyun nervously eyed the food as though it was poisonous. She gestured for them to eat but the two stayed frozen in their place.

"I am the creator of your universe's dungeon system, I gave you your powers, you know." She said grandly. When she was met with blank stares, she frowned, "What, no thank you for me?"

Junghyun blinked slowly, carefully. Jihoo's mouth was agape.

"Ah, youngsters these days, so ungrateful. What, are you upset about the dungeons?" She frowned, "But you are all still alive! It's all in good fun, I've just been playing around with the systems, you know, popping up a couple dungeons randomly. To keep you on your toes. It's fun to watch."

"So you locked us in here for fun?" Junghyun asked coldly, having finally found his voice.

She cocked her head, "Well, it pleases them, keeps them entertained."


A melodious laugh, "My sponsors, silly."

"You...have sponsors?" Junghyun managed to crack his mouth open to ask, completely bewildered.

"Of course. Your entire journey in here, as well as the others, has been broadcasted for your people to watch and of course, my sponsors. By the way, won't you eat something? You've been here for so long."

Junghyun cringed as he recalled the glamorous actions of his fellow hunters in the dungeon. "That's rude," Jihoo wryly remarked, probably thinking of his private, tearful moments.

"Well, it is not profitable for me to consider your feelings," She hummed as she waved a butter knife in the air.

"Damn, that stings."

"Maybe you'll feel better if you have a cake."

Jihoo quirked his brow, "You keep asking us to eat. Will something happen to us if we do so?"

Her smile slipped a fraction, but then she sighed, "You are sharp. Fine, suit yourself."

"You would have trapped us here, wouldn't you? If we ate something," Junghyun questioned, now standing so he could be further away from the table of tantalising food.

"You really don't want to stay here a little longer?" She actually looked disappointed.

"We'd like to leave now," Jihoo said hurriedly, then after a moment of thought, added softly, "Please."

She pouted her lips slightly but nodded, "Alright. I've asked this question to all three of you and you all said the same thing. Humans...all so similar."

"Three of us?" Junghyun asked meekly. She gazed fondly at him, a hand pressed to her cheek. "Hunters."

Then she swatted the air lightly, all traces of friendliness melting off. Her expression became blank, almost cold, as she announced, "I'll release you now. This dungeon raid has been entertaining enough, I suppose."

With a slight smile, she added, "Perhaps I'll see you again, someday."

And the room melted off into darkness.

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