Chapter 24

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Alma and Esmé had talked it over, chosen a sperm donor and decided on a date for it. They had yet to announce it but decided to wait until after they'd done the procedure first. "Did you know I love you?" Alma asked Esmé as they laid in bed, smiling at one another. The sun had just risen.

"Of course I do." Esmé says gently with a smile.

"You're beautiful." Alma grinned as she held the younger woman close to her. "You mean everything to me." She pressed light kisses all over Esmé's face.

Esmé chuckled as Alma kissed her deeply, straddling the woman under her making the younger woman blush as Alma smirked down at her.

"Getting shy, are you?" Alma grinned and kissed the younger woman passionately. Esmé blushed harder and wrapped her arms around Alma's neck, trying to pull her closer.

"Who's the bottom now?" Alma grins and Esmé felt her face go red before sending her a flustered glare.

"Oh you love it." Alma smirked and pressed another kiss to your lips. Suddenly Esmé sat up and pushed Alma down, switching their positions.

"Sudden confidence?" Alma smirks and Esmé faltered, confused and a blushing mess from Almas sudden change. She felt the womans talons rest on her hips and dig her talons in, Esmé holding back a moan as her cheeks turned a faint pink.

Alma pushed Esmé back over carefully. The younger woman didn't argue. Alma smirked and began unbuttoning the younger woman's shirt.

Just before she could lean down to press a kiss against her lips, someone knocked on the door urgently, saying someone was at the door.

Alma sighed and stood up. "Fix your shirt, we can continue this tonight." She said softly to Esmé. She went downstairs, thanked Eliza for getting her, and answered the door.

"Who are you?" She asks when she spots a man by the door. He smiles sweetly before asking for Esmé.

"Someone who knows Esmé. Where is she?" He smiled and asked for her again. "I'd like to speak her."

The man came to step in when Alma cut him off, glaring at him like a hawk.

"Who are you?" She repeats and he sends her a nervous look before stepping back from the door.

"I'm Esmés older brother. I'm Edgar." He says quietly, clearly intimidated by the woman.

"You can wait outside then. You are not coming in my home." Alma glared at him. She wasn't exactly too fond of most of Esmé's family. And she hadn't known she'd had a brother.

The man surprisingly listened and waited patiently outside as Alma met Esmé at the bottom of the steps.

"Someone's outside. Apparently you have a brother?" Alma says confused.

"I- I don't remember any brother." Esmé said, confused and concerned. "What was his name?"

"Edgar. Ever heard his name before?"

It felt oddly familiar yet the woman couldn't place a face to it. She sent Alma a confused look before opening the door. The man looked very alike to her now that the two were together, both of them sharing the same brown hair, his just shorter and freckles along with blue eyes.

"Who are you?" She asked him, confused.

"I'm Edgar. I'm your older brother." He smiled.

"I don't have an older brother." Esmé said, obviously not really believing him.

"Well, mom and dad didn't bring me up much." He smiles shyly, Esmé tensing slightly when she thought of her dad and sent him a stiff smile. "They forced me out of the house when you were just little."

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