Chapter 55

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A few weeks passed and Alma was back on her feet again, not needing the crutch anymore. She was able to help Esmé with getting a better hang of walking around the home, Evelyn stepping in as well if Esmé got a bit too frustrated.

As it got later in the night Alma became clingy towards Esmé, often startling her with a random hug from behind.

"You scared me." Esmé says softly with a smile and Alma held her close, pulling her into her lap on the bed.

"Sorry, darling." She says, kissing her lips gently.

Esmé leaned her head against Alma's chest, listening to the woman's steady heartbeat. "Can I ask you something?" Alma said.

Esmé hummed as she placed a small kiss on the woman's collarbone. Alma hesitated for a moment before asking, unsure how Esmé would feel.

"Well, I completely understand if you don't want to. But, it's been a while since we.. um..." Alma paused, hoping Esmé would take the hint.

"What?" Esmé asks and Alma gently played with the younger woman's fingers as she thought of how to word it.

Alma sighed. "It's been a while since we've done anything in bed." She decided on. "And I know you might not want to and that's completely reasonable.

"No, I want to its just..." Esmé didn't know how to explain it. Now that she couldn't see, would that make it any different?

"What if I'm just.. worse now? What if you don't like it anymore?" Esmé asked.

"Darling." Alma scolds lightly as she held her close, planting a small kiss on her neck. "You know that's not true."

"But I can't see." Esmé says quietly.

"But you can feel." Alma pointed out. "You don't need to see to do something like this, honey. We could try, or if you'd prefer, we can wait. It's up to you."

Esmé chewed on the inside of her cheek as she thought.

"I don't know how to help you though." She says quietly, ashamed and her cheeks burned.

"Oh honey, that's okay. You've done it before, it's not that much different now." Alma said gently.

"But it is Alma. What do you want me to do? Tell me and I can try but-"

"Darling I'm not going to tell you what to do." Alma says. "I want you to be comfortable doing this. It's alright if you don't want to."

"But I can't see, how am I supposed to..?" Esmé says.

"Use your hands, darling. Feel me, taste me. I know you can, you've done it." Alma said gently. "You don't have to be able to see to do it."

Esmés cheeks burned bright but was still unsure. Alma leaned in and kissed her lips gently, giving the woman a chance to pull away.

Esmé didn't, instead leaning forward, pressing herself against Alma, reaching for her shirt buttons.

Alma instead helped her out of her shirt, running her hands up the woman's sides and tugging under the woman's bra.

"You're still alright with this?" Alma asks softly.

Esmé nodded, breathless. "Mhm, please Alma." The older woman smiled and leaned down, pressing kisses to Esmé's neck.

"If you want me to stop at all for any reason, tell me." She says and Esmé hummed as Alma kissed her deeply on the lips. Esmé felt her way down to Almas hips, digging her nails in slightly as Alma continued.

The older woman slowly began to trail down her body, pressing kisses as she went. Esmé whined a bit at how slow she was going. Alma was right, it had been a while.

A New Beginning - sequelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora