Chapter 2

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"So uhh Sweetheart, what are you supposed to be? A ventriloquist doll?" Jax said, putting an arm on his hip. "I don't know actually...I can't see myself,idiot!" I said mocking Jax and putting a hand on my hip.
"Well I shall give you a tour of this Jaw Dropping Heart stopping mind bending Circus!" Caine said, hovering me up next to him before we zoomed off.

(Jax Pov)
"I like her!" I said out loud and everyone looked at me like they just saw someone abstracted."What , can I not like someone, you look like I just abstracted..." " H-her..." Gangle said through her tears. "Yeah, got a problem crybaby?" I said , starting to get annoyed with them thinking I can't like someone. POOF
"And welcome back hot stuff." I said as she fell to the ground on her knees. " I'm gonna be sick..."

(Normal pov)
I laid back so I was laying on the floor closing my eyes. Can't I just die now? I'm already tired of this place.

(4 Years later
Ivy is one year younger than Jax)
I was laying in my room watching as my walls twist and turn. My room is different from all the others. My walls literally move. They bend in and out, changing colors to match the "time" of day. Deep purple from 0-4, light pink from 5-8 bright light blue from 9-15 slightly deeper blue and a light pink from 16-18 a light orange 19-20 a light purple from 21-22 and a dark purple from 22-23(yes it's in military time) There are nothing on my walls, if I try to put something up it falls down due to the movement. I have a tack board attached to my desk so I can have pictures, mainly of me and zooble but there is one of everybody else too, even Bubble!
But personally, my favorite is the one with Jax and me. He has his arm around my shoulders and he's smiling, a genuinely nice smile.

Everyone doesn't get how Jax can be so nice to me and absolutely rude to everybody else . The first day I met him is a lasting memory.It's one of my favorite memories and it helps me from being abstracted.

I don't come out of my room anymore because I feel that no one really wants me around. In my first 2 years ke and Zooble were really close until one day, I blew up on her because she was pushing me too far and now she doesn't like me. Jax and I are a little closer than we were before but he's the only person who hasn't given up on me yet, everyday he knocks on my door with some silly scenario that's gonna happen if I don't come out of my room. Like there's gonna be a huge spider in there and it's gonna eat me alive!! That was yesterday. He hasn't showed up today which makes me think he gave up on me too.

I start abstracting and glitching.

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