Chapter 4

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(Normal pov)
Something felt off tho.Jax held me in his arms as I cried. For once in my life I felt loved. It only took me 22 years for me to finally feel that someone loves me. I don't know if he does but I feel he does on the inside.

(Your probably going to hate me for this but oh well gotta keep the story alive lol 🤍)
I woke up with my knees pulling up into my chest and tear stains on my face. That was just a f%*}*£ dream that my mind gave me to calm me down.

I walked out of my room, not even bothering to change my clothes that are tear stained, wipe my tear stained cheeks , or fix my hair that got messed up. Everyone was eating 'dinner'
"There you are Iv:... OH DEAR HEAVENS are you okay?!" Ragatha askes while getting up from the table to hug me. I explained about why I have been hiding so much and it's because I've been glitching on and off and I couldn't risk to hurt anyone. Everyone started to give me their condolences except for Jax who didn't look upset but in his eyes were worry,sadness and scared looks. I didn't mention anything because I didn't know if it was true.

Gangle told me I could come to her for anything and is glad I told them. Everyone pretty much said the same and I told them I was really tired and to check on me in the morning.

I was walking to bed when I heard footsteps behind me and as far as I know , now one followed me. I turn to see the one and only,Purple rabbit.
"Hey, I want to talk to you,"he said, hurrying to walk next to me. He led me outside and he took me to the lake. We sat on the side and he stared at the water, not one glance in my direction.
"I'm sorry I didn't say anything to you in front of everyone. I didn't know how to say it in a way they wouldn't react, I'm so glad you're okay. I wanted to give you a day of peace by not bugging you and today was the worst day ever to do it. I want to apologize and I want to thank you for everything. Even though I'm rude to everybody, including you, you still love having me around and you always make me feel like I matter to you." "Jax..that's because you do. You really do matter a lot to me. Your energy and jokes keep me going and when I was "sick" you came to my room every day to try to get me to come out. I looked forward to that." I said looking at him and a few tears started flowing down my face. He took his hand and wiped them for me smiling. He did something I never thought he'd do.

He actually hugged me.

It only took us forever... (Jax x OC) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن