Ch3.1 - Hello Uncle (3)

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How can there be vampires in this world?

Sunnyshies: The same approach! I’ll cut chapters with 5k+ characters. Well, this arc 1– Hello Uncle,  have two long chapters; chapter 3 and chapter 23 (the last chapter in arc 1).

That’s it! Enjoy the chapter! 

At 5 p.m., Su An finished his work. His muscles were a little sore, and his thin white arms were unconsciously trembling. Su An was sitting on the sofa, carefully massaging his arms and thighs, and when he looked up again, he found He Xiran standing at the table taking his medicine.

His adam’s apple moved up and down as he swallowed expressionlessly. The white bottle pill box was placed alone with the glass of water on the table.

Su An’s eyelids twitched, and he didn’t care about his soreness anymore. He quickly walked over and said with worry: “Teacher, are you okay?”

He looked at the medicine bottle from the corner of his eyes, and the black letters became small as ants, he couldn’t see clearly. He Xiran turned his head and glanced at Su An lightly. Cheng Su’an froze in place, blinking his eyes anxiously, “Teacher?” 

“No need to call me teacher,” Half of He Xiran’s face fell into shadow, “You’re not from this circle.”

Su An got shy, he tangled his fingers and said coyly, “Uncle.”

He Xiran: “…”

He probably hasn’t met someone like Su An who acted so familiar. He smokes again in silence.

Su An didn’t see any similarities between him and Chu He, but he would rather kill by mistake than let it go. He leaned over to He Xiran and looked at the table. He wanted to innocently ask what the medicine was, but he saw a picture frame.

The photo is a family portrait. The father is a foreigner with striking green eyes and a roman nose. The mother looks gentle and soft with long black curly hair, stretching to her chest. Standing in front are He Xiran and another young lady. This lady is like the mother’s copy, her eyes are gentle and soft as a dodder flower.

A family of four, and all of their skin is white.

“Uncle,” Su An asked, “Is this your family?” 

He Xiran was silent.

Su An acquiesced, and curiously pointed to the young lady in the frame, “Is this uncle’s sister?”

He Xiran leaned against the table while playing with a lighter in his hand, and finally opened his mouth, “That’s my younger sister.”

The fire was suddenly extinguished, and his tone remained steady, “She married and died two months ago.” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“…” Ve Cc ibkfgfv tlr tfjv, offilcu uelias, “P’w rbggs.”

Ktf mbcnfgrjalbc rtbeiv tjnf fcvfv tfgf, yea Lf Wlgjc ibbxfv ja Ve Cc jcv mbcalcefv: “Vtf lr mjiifv Lf Mflse.”

Ve Cc ogbhf lc qijmf.

C ilutaclcu raglxf ragemx tlr ygjlc, jcv atf vfjat mfgalolmjaf bc Vtfc Itjczle’r vfrx oijrtfv lc tlr wlcv. 

Su An frowned and returned to Shen’s house.

Shen Zhangxiu is a well-known local bachelor, rich and handsome. Su An has never heard of Shen Zhangxiu being married, but if the He Feiyu in He Xiran’s mouth is really the same He Feiyu on the death certificate in Sheng Zhangxiu’s study, does that mean the person He Feiyu married was Shen Zhangxiu.

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