Ch3.2 - Hello Uncle (3)

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How can there be vampires in this world?

The next day, at school. Many students were still discussing the issue of the great painter’s recruitment of models at school last week, and the post became popular. Su An pressed his phone under his book to play. He found that there was a lot of information inside the post that was not included in the encyclopedia.

“He Xiran’s father is Irish, and his mother was said to have fallen in love with his father at first sight.” 

“Love at first sight? Isn’t his father very romantic?”

“Love at first sight for the woman doesn’t mean the man is a dependable person…”

His tablemate ran into him suddenly, “Su An, look outside.”

Su An looked up and saw a group of school leaders walking by with He Xiran in the corridor outside the window. The school leaders were smiling while sweating all over their faces. 

“Those old men really dressed formally today, suits in the middle of the summer.” Huang Shan put his arm on Su An’s shoulder, then he clicked his tongue, “It’s weird, Su An, look at He Xiran. He didn’t even shed a single sweat on such a hot day.”

Su An looked at He Xiran. He wore more conservative clothing than anyone else around him, and among this group of peers, he appeared cold and elegant, like a walking air-conditioner, oozing with cold air under the big sun.

Looking at him, he felt a chill rising. If not for the sun still hanging in the sky, or If it isn’t for this world being real, Su An would really think that He Xiran was a vampire.

Goosebumps rose up, “Huang Shan, do you feel that He Xiyuan is not right?”

Huang Shan wondered, “What’s wrong?”

He Xiran, who is outside the window, suddenly turned his head and glanced at the classroom from the glass window. He didn’t know if it was an illusion, but Su An seems to have seen a green light flashing by his deep and quiet eyes.

Su An was taken aback, he smiled reflexively and curled his eyes, showing a little bit of his white teeth, which was good and sweet.

The school leaders were still bragging with He Xiran, “Mr. He, the students in our school are very sensible and will definitely not spoil your paintings, so you can rest assured.” 

He Xiran retracted his eyes and let out a “En.”

He Xiran borrowed the school’s art classroom to recruit models in the school. The school didn’t ask for anything else, and even wanted to pay for He Xiran to paint an oil painting for the school. In the past few years, He Xiran has fewer and fewer paintings circulating on the market, and since the beginning of this year, he hasn’t completed a single painting.

The school is now treating He Xiran as a guest. As long as He Xiran needs it, no matter what it is, the school will try its best to fulfill it.

In the second period of the morning, the class teacher was in a hurry, “Cheng Su’an, come out for a moment.” 

The school asked Su An to accompany He Xiran around the school to find a sketching location that He Xiran liked.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ve Cc kjr ygbeuta ab Lf Wlgjc klat j qlif bo atlcur lc tlr jgwr jcv j recyegcfv ojmf. Lf Wlgjc kjr rlaalcu lc atf rtjvf bo atf agff cfza ab atf mfcagji ijxf. Ktf rtjvbkr kfgf rmjaafgfv jmgbrr tlr qjif rxlc, jcv tlr ybcs xcemxifr tfiv j mlujgfaaf lc yfakffc, ktlif yflcu kgjqqfv lc j mbja ecvfg tlr atgff-qlfmf rela.

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