Ch8 - Hello Uncle (8)

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What do you Want to Know?

Su An still glanced back.

However, just now the knight had already run a hundred thousand miles, and he could only see a small black spot that couldn’t even distinguish the gender. 

Shen Zhangxiu also wore a black riding attire, and this tailor-made contour set gives his body the shape of a Western European knight in armor. One of his long, slender, hands rested gently on Su An’s shoulders, “An-An”, he lowered his head to a look at Su An, narrowing his eyes slightly, “Who are you looking at?”

“Looking at the person who just rode the horse,” Cheng Su’an smiled shyly, “That person looks really powerful.”

When facing Shen Zhangxiu, Su An was always nervous. The feelings Shen Zhangxiu and Chu He brought to him were actually very different, but the occasional clues always gave Su An a depressing deju vu feeling.

He is like Chu He, but not like Chu He. 

“My equestrian skills are also good,” Shen Zhangxiu laughed. “No one is born to ride horses. Just practice more.”

There are two horses in front, and the more docile one is for Su An. Su An got on the horse with the help of the horse farm coach. The coach hurriedly said: “Hold it!” then ran to the front to lead the horse.

After being led a few steps, Su An gradually relaxed. There was faint green in the distance, so Su An asked curiously, “A forest outside the horse farm?”

The horse farm coach skillfully introduced, “It’s a forest, but it’s an artificially planted forest. It is connected to the horse farm, so if any guests feel bored in the horse farm, they can also run two laps in the forest.”

Su An: “That would require riding skills, right?”

“It’s good to get familiar with it,” said the horse farm coach while adjusting the direction, “You may not be able to adjust well for the first time, just come a few more times. Those who dare to run in basically have a certain foundation. If you are curious, I can take you in for a walk.”

Su An grabbed the horse rope and shook his head, “It’s fine here.”

Along the way, Su An and Shen Zhangxiu chatted a few words, and Shen Zhangxiu did not leak any water, and he hardly allowed Su An to get any useful information. Su An sighed at Shen Zhangxiu’s difficulty, and suddenly asked, “Brother-in-law, how did you and my sister meet?”

Shen Zhangxiu squinted his eyes, as if he was reminiscing, but after a long time he was uncertain: “It should be at a banquet.”

Scumbag, you’ve f*cking forgotten yourself.

Su An: “Did brother-in-law fall in love with my sister at first sight?” 

Shen Zhangxiu smiled without saying a word.

Cheng Su’an blinked, “Brother-in-law?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Suqing is very beautiful,” Shen Zhangxiu said slowly, “Many people treat her favorably because of her looks.”

Pa’r pera atja tfg qfgrbcjilas lr j yla yjv. 

Vaeqlv, ugffvs, rfiolrt. Dea Vtfc Itjcuzle rffwr olcf klat la. Ktf wbgf Jtfcu Vedlcu jmafv ilxf atlr, atf fjrlfg la lr obg tfg ab byfs.

Lf mtjcufv atf reypfma: “Cc-Cc, mjc sbe gec aklmf?”

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