Ch16 - Hello Uncle (16)

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It’s not fun to mention it directly

Su An laughed. Huang Shan asked him what he was laughing at, but he couldn’t say it.

He enjoyed the fun alone, then took out his mobile phone and looked at the message. 

The hospital sent him a message, telling him to go get the drug test result on the 10th of this month. With four or five days to go until the 10th, Su An built an alarm clock on the calendar and decided to get the precious report results early in the morning.

“Su An,” His tablemate called Su An in a low voice, and stiffly said, “Look outside the window, is He Xiran staring at you?”

Su An was stunned for a moment, then he looked up, and He Xiran was standing at the class window looking down at him.

His dress has always been old-fashioned, even when the sun is in the sky, he three-piece suit is meticulous. Yet such a taciturn-looking man is wearing a large eagle ring on his hand and a black ear clip with a silver chain dangling from his ear. 

His mixed green eyes rested on Su An, who struggled to pull up the corners of his mouth, “Why is he looking at me.”

“How do I know,” His tablemate was also depressed, “Why don’t you go out and ask?”

There was already a little commotion in the class, Su An turned his head back and stared at the textbook seriously, “Forget it, it’s almost time for class.”

Until the bell rang, Su An didn’t look up at He Xiran again. When he looked up again, He Xiran had already left.

Ten minutes later, Su An, who was still in class, received a text message.

He Xiran asked him to go to the rooftop. Su An frowned and touched his tablemate, “My stomach hurts, I’ll go out for a while.”

He bent down and ran out the back door.

He ran all the way to the balcony, then the iron door was closed by the wind, making a loud “bang”.

“What do you want me to come up here for?” Su An panted.

He Xiran was smoking a cigarette with the wind at his back, and the brisk wind blew the smell of smoke away, then he beckoned towards him, “Come here.”

Su An walked gently and stopped vigilantly two meters away from He Xiran,”Uncle He, do you have something to tell me?” 

Euphemistically, he said:  “I still have class.”

“Ask for a leave,” He Xiran said, “Follow me in the afternoon.”


“Painting Exhibition.” 

This was the first art exhibition held by He Xiran after returning to China. Su An didn’t want to go there, he was still a student.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“P kjca ab ub ab mijrr,” Ve Cc ibbxfv ja Lf Wlgjc rjvis klat tlr wblra fsfr, “P tjnfc’a yffc lc mijrr obg rfnfgji vjsr, atf qgfnlber mijrr kjr nfgs vloolmeia,” Lf rcloofv, kbggslcu jybea atf mlgmewrajcmf bo tlr bkc ifjgclcu, “P’w jogjlv P kbc’a yf jyif ab xffq eq.”

However, the ruthless dog man sneered coldly and ruthlessly.

Su An’s eyes widened instantly, looking at him in disbelief. 

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