Ch26 - Singing the Greatest Show (3)

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Boss Ye, Sing a Song?

He Changhuai acted considerate and calm, he seems to be a bit strong, but he also does not hide his qualities of being refined, gentle, and elegant. Su An has a bit of restrained fear towards him, but he was polite on the surface, and acted distantly. Unexpectedly, in the evening of the next day, Second Master He brought his friends to Yishui Building again.

The Yishui Building has two floors, the lounge and the lobby, with carved wooden railings, plus the fire pit, the theater is warm and bright. Li Lian is a regular customer here, so he skillfully led Second Master and the brothers of the Li family to the second floor, “The usual set.” 

They hadn’t sat down yet, when the fourth master of the Li family, Li Huang, had his eyes fixed on Hua Dan on the stage, “This Dan is beautiful.”

He Changhuai sat on the seat, looked out and didn’t see the actor on the stage, instead he saw Boss Ye sitting in the opposite private room.

The corner of his mouth hooked. And when he was about to take off his coat, he heard Li Lian whisper a warning: “Old four, are you going to play again, ah? It’s just after last winter, did you already forget the actor who threw himself into the lake to die?”

Li Huang shut his mouth, but his eyes still lingered on the stage, “Big brother, look at what you’re saying, this is someone under Boss Ye’s hand, how dare I.” 

He Changhuai let out a “oh“, as if sarcastic, “Fourth Young Master Li could still play with others to death?”

But his eyes were on the opposite side, watching Boss Ye’s every move.

Li Huang argued, “That actor is so weak, it’s not that I played with him to death, it’s that he just couldn’t play!”

Su An’s eyes watched six roads and his ears listened in all directions, and he was keenly aware of someone looking at him again from across the room. With a skillful glance at the corner of his eyes, he saw a handsome man in a suit and leather shoes.

His eyes were like wolves and tigers, and after knowing that he found out, he still handled the butcher's cleaver with ease and put on an act with a smile.

“…” Su An.

He had never heard that He Changhuai liked men, and when he first met this young master in the Li residence, it was obvious that he didn’t like watching operas. Now that he is behaving so oddly and strangely, has he really become a different person?

Su An turned sideways, avoiding the eyes on the other side. 

The singers on the stage sang in full swing. He Changhuai listened to it for a while, but only got sleepy.  He shook his head and sighed. He suddenly got up and put on his coat and hat, and with the wind, his long legs walked to the stairs with just a few steps.

Li Lina asked quickly: “Second Master, where are you going?!”

“It’s so boring,” Second Master He said out loud, “Young master, I’m going to find interesting people to play with.”

He went all the way down the stairs, from the back to the second floor of the opposite seat. 

Li Lian blankly followed his target and looked straight forward. When he saw Ye Su’an, he immediately cursed in his heart, Second Master He is looking for Boss Ye? What does this mean?

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

They are Chasing Me!  حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن