Ch14 - Hello Uncle (14)

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The dog man was trying to profit from his misfortune.

Sunnyshies: the idiom in the title: 趁火打劫- /chèn huǒ dǎ jié/ “to loot a burning house” / to profit from sb’s misfortune (idiom)

Oh yeah, today is my b-day, so I’m gonna give double update today~ (◍•ᴗ•◍) 

And Happy Birthday to those who have Birthdays as well~

Enjoy~ (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)

On the way back to He Xiran’s villa, at first, Su An’s attention was still completely focused towards the thought of how to take Cheng Suqing out of Shen house, but gradually, his thoughts took a turn and his face became red.

He leaned against the window, thinking wildly in his head. No matter how boldly he said that he doesn’t care about it before, but in fact, this is the first time Su An intends to roll on the bed with someone. 

I hope the first experience will be better.

He Xiran’s villa was empty, there was no one on the first floor. Su An changed his shoes, “Is there anyone?”

He bent over to put his shoes on, and his voice echoed in the living room. Alone, Su An headed upstairs and heard the sound of water in the bathroom. The frosted glass inside had a blurred figure. Su An knew it was He Xiran at first glance, and couldn’t help but scold, dog man, in such a hurry, he even started to wash before he came back?

Now that he’s in front of him, he was inexplicably scared. Su An looked at the glass door and listened to the sound of the water. He then unconsciously took two steps back.

His slippers stepped on so fast, wuwuwu, he didn’t want to sleep anymore, he was really scared.

His hand had already touched the doorknob, when suddenly a pair of arms stretched out behind him and pulled Su An into his arms, and his thin white fingers came off the doorknob weakly.

His fallen wrist was caught by the other’s hand. Su An’s pupils shrank slightly. Water dripped from the top of his head, and the clothes on his back were already soaked by his chest, “Wait—” 

Pale hands covered his mouth and he was carried into the bathroom.

Then the foggy, steaming glass door was violently imprinted with a feeble hand.

“…” Cries of pain mixed with silent sobs rang, “You, slow down…” 

Day and night, the dusky villa can’t distinguish the time. The sun seemed to be setting and rising, Su An was groggy. His arm clutched the person from behind, and two bright red marks have been drawn.

The smell of smoke was getting closer and farther away, Su An’s voice was hoarse, and he couldn’t even say a word of whimper.

The gorgeous large tattoo appeared and swam on He Xiran’s body. Su An was about to flee, but his ankle was grabbed, and he was pulled back to his original place.

Su An: “!” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

It was like the struggle of a small beast before it died, but He Xiran showed no pity, and was even more ferocious. He usually does everything with restraint, including smoking, but this time completely forgot the four words “stop at where he should“. His self-discipline and reason was blinded by the person under him, he is trapped in the abyss and cannot be pulled out.

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