nothing that a matcha couldn't help with

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Five minutes have passed since Alex got out of the car and I'm still staring at my steering wheel. Sometimes it's just the black leather, sometimes I see blood and my brother's face. It starts again. I panic when I'm in the car. The conversation with Alex has lasted as long as it would have taken us to get to him. Before I can hyperventilate and have a panic attack, I grab my bag and get out of the car. 

"Mrs. Diehn?" Andreas' voice is usually calm as he picks up. I refuse to address our driver as Mrs. Diehn because I know he prefers it on a first-name basis. I don't want to create any forced distance. "Can you pick me up?" My voice is just a breath of nothing and he hangs up immediately, but I know he'll be there soon. He always knows where my car is, we've put a chip in it so that he can find me if he has any doubts.

"Thank you, Andreas. I don't know what I would have done without you," I admit immediately as I take a seat in the back seat. "You don't look happy, regardless of the fear," he remarks immediately, glancing in the rear-view mirror. "I've hurt someone. Someone I really like." Andreas doesn't ask any more questions, he just gives me another one of his looks, inviting me to keep talking. My secrets are safe with him, so I can talk about them freely.

"Is this someone the reason why you can now drive yourself more often?" he concludes cleverly and I nod. "He makes me think less about the accident. I feel safe with him," I reply with a slight smile, "That's why I didn't tell him about my family. He found out from his students." 

"A teacher?" Andreas asks, but doesn't judge. I appreciate that about him. I nod again. "I haven't seen them as relieved in the last few years as I have in the last few weeks. But if he can't forgive them for wanting to make getting to know each other as uncomplicated as possible, then he won't understand their lives either. Mrs. Diehn, there are few things in your life that you can't change, but you are part of this family. Even if you no longer spoke to your parents, the world would always see you as their daughter." I furrow my brow thoughtfully and then look outside. Is Andreas right? If Alex can't deal with it yet, can it even work between us?

"You look like shit," Hannah greets me bluntly. "Save the compliments," I grumble at her. "What's going on? I thought you were driving yourself again." "Alex knows. His students showed him a report," I sigh, "We talked about it in the car and when he left I couldn't drive anymore."

"Oh, shit. What's next? Are you going to talk about it again?" "I don't know, I think so. He left earlier. I should have just told him. How could I have thought it would end well?" I'm annoyed with myself because I can really understand Alex. Of course he's not thinking 'Great, my girlfriend is inheriting companies worth millions. I can hardly wait to meet her parents'. 

"Let's go for a coffee. It won't make you feel any better, but you'll have a warm matcha," Hannah smiles encouragingly at me and I nod sulkily. "Yes, I want a warm matcha." God, if my parents could hear us. Dad, do you want a hot chocolate? No, Luisa, a hot chocolate won't solve any problems. Go away with it. I was only six years old and I thought I could help them with that.

"Hi, a cappuccino and a matcha latte please," Hannah orders for us. "To drink here or to go?" "To go and a cold brew to go," a third voice joins in - Mike. Today must be my lucky day. If my parents congratulate me on my failed relationships, the day would be perfect. 

"We can pay for our own coffee," I point out to him. "So your new boyfriend finally knows about your parents." "Wow, you only see your brother once a month and yet he can't go without talking about me." "No, Fabi actually told me. I'm surprised David doesn't know yet. It's been weeks and he still didn't suspect anything yesterday." "You were with my father?" If my parents dare to bring us together again..

"For business, yes. I'm taking over my parents' company soon." Fortunately, only that. "And you happen to be talking about me? Good luck at work, bad luck in love?" Since when am I so snarky? That suits me. "You're probably not doing well in either area. Your father just complained that you don't bring anyone along who fits into this family. You know his standards."
"Thank you for your wisdom again. I really appreciate it. But since you can't just share your wisdom with us, please use your time for the other helpless souls who can still be saved," says Hannah, rolling her eyes.

"If you're lucky, I'll still be enjoying my freedom myself until you come back to me. Just don't wait too long," Mike advises me, shrugging his shoulders, but I just roll my eyes, "See you around." "Tell me, why didn't you just slap him? Nobody can stand the way he talks." He's finally gone and Hannah and I can talk to each other honestly. "He would never have left if I had got involved in a discussion. Let him think he'll see me again."

"Luisa? Hannah? Well, I haven't seen you for a long time either," I suddenly hear Kathi next to us. Alex's cousin. I really like her, but after he left today, she's probably not going to speak well of me when she finds out. If Fabi already knows and Mike knows, then she'll probably know too. "Yes, that's right, it's been a while." "There she is again. The cousin of the holy brothers," Hannah jokes and we hug Kathi in greeting. "Fabi misses you," Kathi says immediately, but only looks at me, "He wouldn't admit it, of course." 

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