male shower

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"What were you thinking, buying him the same suit as your brother?" she reproaches me much more than she asks a question. That's all I needed. "That's Leo's suit, mother. Don't worry, I didn't spend any money on Alex's presence. He's not with me for the money," I explain to her calmly.

"Have you ever thought about what it's like for your father and me to see another man in our son's suit? What will the press report?" "Fabi got the suit from him and gave it to Alex because he needed one for tonight. We just wanted to make sure you were happy with his appearance. The suit was never worn in public and can't start any rumors," I clarify, "I'm sorry if I'm making you sad, but I know that's what he would have wanted." "Oh no, Luisa. Your brother certainly wouldn't be happy with it-"

"If you think it's so bad, why did you address the invitation to Alex and me?" I ask uncomprehendingly. None of this makes any sense. I had hoped that we could put our differences aside today and that my parents would understand that Alex isn't with me for the money.

"You don't really think we're doing this have done voluntarily? You probably owe your brother a little more gratitude. He was able to persuade your father this once." Maxi persuaded Dad to invite Alex too? I can't imagine that for he would do this for me. I still have lots of questions for her, but now is the best opportunity to leave without her seeing where. So I put my curiosity to one side. "You're right, mother. I'm sorry I let him wear that exact suit," I apologize with feigned sincerity, "Please don't let it ruin your evening. I'll go back and stay in the background with Alex." Mother gives me a half-satisfied look so I leave the office quickly and hurry upstairs.

"Hey, Lu, wait," Mike stops me as I step onto the first flight of stairs, "I really need to talk to you. I've wanted to since I got here, but you haven't left his side and-" "Mike, I'm in a real hurry," I interrupt him and look at him apologetically, "It's really serious." I couldn't see Alex and Maxi anywhere down here, so they must have been upstairs since earlier. I guess that means Maxi really has a problem. Thankfully, Mike understands the urgency and nods. "I'm coming with you." On the way up, I quickly text Fabi, as it could be quite conspicuous without his help.

Whatsapp chat between Fabi and Lu


Mike and I are upstairs
Alex is looking after Maxi, he's
probably drunk
can you please cover for us if anyone asks about us?


Mike, Alex and you?

interesting combination

I'll think of something

Thanks, I'll let you know later

"This can't be happening," I sigh as I find Maxi in his bed and he spreads himself out like a woman is about to lie down with him. Alex is standing next to him and is just taking his jacket off. "Oh, hello, sis," he calls out excitedly, "your boyfriend is moving in now.

I guess I'm off." "It's not" "No explanation necessary," I interrupt Alex briefly, then look at Maxi in horror, "It's not even 8 p.m. and you're lying drunk in your bed! How could this have happened?" "Leo's whiskey from Australia," Maxi grins at me like a cheeky child. "We have to put him in the shower. He can't rejoin the guests like this and he can't stay upstairs either." Both Mike and Alex look at me skeptically.

"You're supposed to hold him, not soap him," I reply in frustration and try to undress Maxi as the two of them hold him. "That's disgusting, Lu," Maxi bitches at me drunkenly. I just roll my eyes. I don't want to take his clothes off. It's probably only more appropriate if I take over. We're siblings, so my inhibitions are lower. "Do me a favor and for once in your life, keep your mouth shut and listen to me," I grumble at him when he refuses to unbutton his shirt.

"I'll never stand up for you again," he continues to complain, sounding like an offended child by now, "You can always be free. You study what you want, you choose your partner, you even eat what you want. I only do what's expected of me every damn day and now you want to force me to go back down there? I'll never invite anyone over for you again."

So he really talked our parents into it. I know he wouldn't lie to me about that, not even when he's drunk. He's much more honest in situations like that, which is why he rarely drinks. But this is the first time I've heard him compare us so much. Surprised, I let go of him and take a step back. He's in a really bad way.

I'm such a bad sister that I let his arrogance blind me. I should have talked to him more. Alex looks at me sympathetically. "Please go outside and make sure no one comes here. I'll take care of him," Alex decides. Strangely, I have the feeling that Maxi might listen to him, so I nod and ask Mike to follow me.

He is also quiet and accepts Alex's suggestion. We seem to agree without further explanation. "Well, at least his room is at the end of the corridor," Mike says, shrugging his shoulders and, to my surprise, sits down on the floor, "What? Nobody will see me here and I don't want to stand either." "You look so bourgeois sitting on the floor," I comment on the picture in front of me, but sit down next to him.

"Please don't say that. I'm anything but bourgeois," he replies with a disgusted look. "I'm sorry that my parents lied to your father about our separation," I apologize sincerely, because I'm finally experiencing the moment when I can talk to him openly. "No, that's all right. It's not your fault. Besides, you were right. I couldn't deal with the fact that you were feeling bad and I wasn't there for you. Apparently he can," Mike says calmly and points behind us, "Fabi's brother. You always find people who are difficult to deal with."

"It's easy with Alex," I confess to him without wanting to hurt him, "You could just stop trying to interfere, then it would be even easier." "I told Maxi I didn't want to hurt you. He just wanted to protect you. If it had been over with Alex, you wouldn't have had to introduce him to your parents and there would have been one less drama. Everything Maxi does is for a reason." I nod.

"Either he's hurt or he's trying to protect me. Yes, I've noticed that too. Thank you for being so honest with me." "Speaking of honesty, I'd still rather be the man by your side." I laugh softly and we continue talking until we hear the water coming from the shower and Maxi is standing in front of us, fresh from the shower.

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