driving through town differently

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"Good that you're here. You're exactly who we were looking for," Kati greets Alex euphorically. I'd like to have her easy manner too. "Looking for me?" Alex repeats skeptically and raises his eyebrows as he looks at us, "You parked in the driveway, got out and saw me. I'd call that a coincidence." "Indeed..." I begin, making Kati grin with satisfaction and leave us alone, "Say, could I borrow your car? I'll fill it up and pay you compensation, of course. It's just-"

"Lu, we were together. No need to be nervous," Alex soothes me with a nice smile. Yes, there is. We were so in love and from one day to the next we didn't say a word to each other. Today we've only exchanged two sentences. That's a big deal for someone as socially incompetent as me. "I need your car," I realize. The fact that Maxi hasn't answered his phone yet anyway, because he's probably in his therapy session, means I can drive off straight away.

I would then report back to him afterwards and visit Selina and our nephew again with him. Provided they want to. "I thought the service was included in the price of a lease car?" Alex asks me in surprise, to which I sigh. "No, not because of that, the car is in great condition. It's just that..." Oh man, am I going to tell him? We're no longer together. But he's never given me a reason not to trust him.

Somehow I just want to tell him. "We found out that Leo has a child and we wanted to see it, but the mother kicked Maxi and me out. Fabi has spoken to her and she'll let me come if I go in another car. My car doesn't make a good impression in the area with the highest crime rate in the country of Munich." "Fabi, then?" Alex immediately follows up without responding to the rest of my words. Hello, isn't my nephew a bigger surprise? "He's my friend, of course he's helping me."

"That's clear," Alex mumbles, annoyed. I knew it was wrong to ask him. Why did I think he would help me? "Are you two together?" That's how quickly you can change the subject. "No, is it you?" I turn the tables. If he's with Jana now, I'll wreck my car until it's worth no more than an Opel Corsa. I hate her and I hate him when he's with her. "No, absolutely not," Alex shakes his head in surprise, "Last week went suboptimal. I still think your closeness and the secret are wrong, but the fact that you saw us like that the next day wasn't very nice either. I'm sorry about that."

"Thank you," I say in surprise and agree with him, "I'm also sorry that I wasn't honest. It's funny that I was afraid of that very situation." "That's all right. Shall we go then?" "We?" I repeat, irritated, "If I have an accident, I'll buy you a new one." "It's not about you driving. You're good at that," Alex corrects himself with a sigh, "I'm not letting you go there alone, when it gets this emotional. No one should have to go through it alone."

"Thank you," I reply in surprise and nod. Yes, he's right. And I'm glad that he, of all people, wants to help me. I don't want to get too emotional in front of him after the dilemma. "All right, let's go then." Alex throws me his keys and gets into the passenger seat. Funny to sit next to Alex. Today, in this way, for this occasion. We didn't exactly part on good terms. I also hate myself for wanting to know what happened between him and Jana. This curiosity makes me all nervous and jittery. I feel like a toddler.

"So you and Jana... Are things going well?" I ask him casually. "How are things between you and Fabi?" he counters indifferently, but I detect a hint of amusement. I nod to show that the counter-question was justified. But I hope he doesn't take my nod the wrong way. "Maxi was quite upset about your new family member... the older one, of course." "Yes, he would have loved to sue her," I smile with amusement. Some things just never change... but luckily Maxi is adapting quite well now.

"Can't we just sue him for fun? It would be fun if we slammed a forged letter on his desk." "Better not or there'll be a horde of lawyers at both our doors tomorrow," I joke, which makes us both laugh. "No, seriously, I'm glad that he's feeling better and that you're now much more comfortable with each other." "Thank you," I smile gratefully at him.

It's funny that we're separated now when they finally understand each other. Maxi could have at least said once that Alex was throwing away something valuable. Or not. I hate it when the ego comes out in my thoughts. "Maxi said that he looks just like your brother?" Alex is really good at small talk. "Yes, actually. I almost fell over in shock. Two years ago, I might have just dragged the kid out of the apartment," I smile at myself and am proud of my development.

The last year in particular, Alex, Fabi, the last discussions with my parents, the thing with Maxi, all of that has contributed greatly to my development. Alex led me back to life. I was still able to talk to Fabi about Leo and remember him. The rest of my family showed me that there are still parts that I like to live for and that I can manage without Leo.

"We're here," I let him know without going any further into more emotional topics and turn off the engine. I didn't notice last time because my focus was different, but Selina is right. My car doesn't fit in here. Everyone would know immediately that something is going on. Attention is the last thing I want. At least not strangers. "I can hardly believe I'm doing this but it would be better if they had lived with you for the last few years. The atmosphere alone reeks of crime." "The neighborhood also has the highest crime rate. A fellow student of mine is a prosecutor and most of his cases have happened here."

"A fellow student?" Alex asks, seemingly interested, which makes me smile. Not entirely uninterested, then. What would Jana say? Wait, I have to put my ego aside. I don't care what happens to them. We're here for Leo's child. "Come on, let's go to the apartment," I say simply, before we cross the street and enter the building.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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