deals behind closed doors

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Fabi's POV:

"Is the plan working out?" I ask Maxi and Mike after Lu has left and I want to make sure everything works out before tomorrow. Since the last time we talked about her situation, I've found a solution with Maxi and Mike. I know she wouldn't want that and that's why she won't find out. "The money will be transferred to her account tomorrow during my parents' trip," Maxi nods. I had to ask them both. 

They would inherit more than I could ever imagine, but both their parents are still careful to keep the children's cash assets low. Maxi took on the bulk of the sum, but it took Mike donating a sum of two million to Lu. For nothing in return, mind you. He never hesitated for a second, talked me out of my idea or tried to take advantage of it himself. He's far from happy with the situation, but it's better that Lu is with Alex and her parents are talking to her than that she's with Alex and alone.

"Then the meeting takes place, they take back any threats and the issue is settled," agrees Mike. "And you're sure Valentina and David won't bring it up again or she'll know that you-" "Please," says Maxi relaxed, "My parents keep any contact to a minimum and Lu doesn't even know that I have so much cash." "What were you planning to do with it?" Mike asks with interest. 

"I originally had it paid out from the company to help a friend and her family and then I ran off with her," Maxi admits, sighing heavily and rubbing her forehead in frustration. I furrow my brow. Maxi's mysterious dream girl. Well, he wouldn't use that word, but that he would leave his family and his wealth behind for a woman... That's so out of character. 

"Maxi, man, I've told you before to leave Lea. All the women here are falling at your feet and you want the one who is absolutely not interested in you." "Really," I interject jokingly, "Look at Mike. All the women are falling at his feet too and he's taken advantage of it twice since Lu and flirted with another woman. That's how you do it." "Shut up, Fabi," Mike grumbles next to me, "At least I didn't kiss my best friend's girlfriend." 

"Yes, actually, that's exactly what you did," I counter ironically. "Lu was never your Girlfriend." "That doesn't matter. We-" "Yes, you two really are so much different from me," Maxi interrupts our little discussion dryly, "Chapeau, boys. Shall I get you Alex so you can continue the discussion with him right away? Who do you think has taken my sister's heart by storm?" "Don't exaggerate, Diehn," I mutter, annoyed. 

"Come on, let's go downstairs. We've sorted everything out and if you stopped watching Lu's every move, you could enjoy the evening a little." "Wise words from someone who almost drank himself to death on his birthday to avoid everyone," I counter, because I can't be in a bad mood for a single moment. Dear, nice Fabi. To hell with this nice manner. You can see where that gets me. I fancy the woman who cheated on my best friend with my brother and of course I'm the one who helps her more than Alex. He's angry with me again because he wants to hide his jealousy and I get the full package. 

"Stop crying, Ebers, and drink. If you play a song later, she'll come anyway back to your apartment alone," Mike grins and pats me on the shoulder as we march back to Alex's apartment.

Luisa's POV:

"What are you two doing here?" I ask Maxi and Mike as they walk past me. I haven't found Alex yet. How many people can fit in this apartment anyway? "Isn't it obvious?" Mike says irritably and looks around, "Giving the party a certain charm." I look at him in amazement at first, but then I can't help but grin. "Alex invited me and Mike thought he had to be careful," Maxi clarifies a little, but I'm not quite sure what he means by the second part. "On what-" 

"It's not all for your ears, Lu," Mike grins at me and walks on with Maxi in tow. What's going on here? Is this a bad dream? Okay, no, it can't be. I would have woken up as much as Hannah is hugging me right now if I'd been asleep. Where did she suddenly come from? "Hey?" "I've finally seen you again," she beams at me, "Kathi told me what's going on. Fabi was so worried and-" 

"Wait a minute. Fabi? And Fabi told Kathi about my situation and you met with Kathi?" I ask, irritated. "No, sorry, that was confusing. Kathi knows about it from Alex, but she also told me that she realized that Fabi was really bothered by an issue and if you put one and one together, then you know who it's about." "Alex just told her that? I mean, of course she's his cousin and I like her, but far too many people already know about it anyway and... I don't know what to say. I am disappointed." "Understandable..." 

"What is it?" I ask skeptically as she starts to jerk around. "Alex doesn't seem to understand your situation very well. He seems to have said a few things to Kathi..." "What things?" "Lu, honestly-" "Now I want to know," I demand firmly when she announces it, and besides, it's clear that I really want to know what my friend really thinks. It's like Mike, where everything was bad when I had a sensitive concern. 

"The whole issue of money annoys him and he doesn't understand why you take it so much to heart when the situation between you and your parents isn't great anyway. I think it was words like you don't care or you could be happy because you don't like each other anyway." I just nod. I don't know if it's all true; after all, Hannah only heard it second-hand. Nevertheless, I feel the urgent need to get myself a drink. When Fabi and I were sitting together, I told him how much more important my relationship with Alex is to me than saving the one with my parents. That was my concession to Alex to make the situation easier for us. 

"I need to go to the kitchen," I mumble, but Hannah looks at me in alarm. The old game of when you shouldn't see something that's in the kitchen. Birthday presents, surprises, that sort of thing. Except that I'm not celebrating my birthday today. "You, it's far too crowded. Let's ask Fabi to get us something instead." "He's not here yet," I say firmly, "Just come with me." Hannah knows I'm not going to give in, so she follows me into the kitchen, where I find Alex first instead of alcohol. Alex and Jana. Flirting. 

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