Filer 1.

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Y/n's Pov
As I was walking down the city streets, I saw a filer on a street lamp, it was for job, to work at a business. I've never worked at a company before or even in an office before, but I really needed a job since I have just quit from my last one maybe I'll look into that.

I took a picture of the filer and kept walking. I was a bit hungry so I decided to go to the Ramen shop around the corner. When I walked in, I was greeted by a waiter, that's nice. But as I kept walking deeper into the shop to find a place to sit this women was shouting, she was shouting so loud, this caught the whole shops attention. There was a man in front of me so I couldn't really see who the women was yelling at, but then when I moved to the side, I saw that she was yelling at a kid.

This grown women was shouting at a small young child that didn't even look like he could talk. This made me so frustrated. The women had long white hair that reached her thighs, the ends of her hair were a light shady neon green. She did have very beautiful features. She had her hair up in a half up half down style. She was wearing a light grey suit with matching pants, she looked as if she had just came back from work, she had a black tie, and black heels.

I walked up to this women, by the look on my face you can tell I was very upset. I tapped her by the shoulder and said

"Excuse me miss"

"What." Was all she said in reply she didn't even look at me

"Is there an issue here with you and this child, to me this child looks very frightened" I said as she turned and looked at me. She looked me up and down, examining each and every body part

"The only thing this kid is afraid of is your hideous face" She said the turned away from me and back towards the kid

That caught me off guard a bit causing me to chuckle, what an immature thing to say.

"Ma'am can't you see that you're causing a scene, like seriously he's just a child and I doubt he did anything wrong" I said, she heard my words and looked around noticing that almost everyone in the shop was now staring at her.

She scoffed then said to the child "watch where you're going next time"

She then turned around and said to me "mind your business next time well yeah?" She had pretty bug eyes and long curled lashes.

"Well that depends if-" She didn't even let me finish all she said was

"Thanks appreciate it" Then walked out the Ramen Shop

Geez people these days just yell and yell and yell.  All they know how to do is assume and scream that's it. I walked out the shop since I lost my appetite. I walked back home all the way through the big city and long streets.

I reached my home and I see that my car was getting towed. What the hell was my first thought.

"Woah! Woah! What's going on here" I said and ran up to the lady that was towing my car.

"Look ma'am your car is parked in the wrong place, we placed a ticket on your car two weeks ago and you still haven't moved it, it gots to go" She had a weird accent but I know exactly what ticket she was talking about I remember I threw it in the trash. Who would've thought I can act so careless.

"Here how about you don't tow it and instead we can just leave it here for another week or two" I said with a smile knowing that this won't convince her

"Oh! Sure why not, let's just do that wit cars that need to be towed then leave it there so there's no room on the road to drive" She also said with a smile but sarcastically

I let out a long sigh "How long till I get it back"

"Oh sweetie you is not getting this car till you pay up" she said again she has such a weird accent

"how much" I said

"75,587.50 yen" She said (That's 500 U.S Dollars)

"75 thousands yen!" I said with shocked face

"you heard correctly" She said

"And where am I supposed to get that" I said

"uh your job obviously" She said with her accent

"I don't have one"

She gave me a blank stare then got in her tow truck and drove off. Leaving me here alone with no car to drive. Left me here with nothing.  I scoffed and walked away onto my front porch. 'I don't need a car to survive, no, I just need me, myself and I. I can walk places, I'm kinda fit, I don't need a car and be lazy driving around town' I said to myself trying to calm the nerves. But right when I walked to the front door. I saw a paper on the door handle.  It said

"Dear Mrs. L/n,
We have sent you multiple emails and multiple phone calls for you to pay your electricity bill, we are sorry to say this but we will be cutting your electricity off. You will no longer have lights,power,heat,AC, ect. This will be temporary and might even turn permanent if you don't pay the correct amount. You have until December 3rd to pay." Sincerely The CalledLife Electric Company

Your joking." Was my first thought, ugh. I can't believe this can my day get any worse. Oh my gosh, ugh. I walked into the dark cold house, there was really no electricity. You've got to be kidding me. The electric bill is only 30,943 yen (204.99 U.S dollars) but where am I going to get that money. I gave out a long sigh and went to my room through the dark hallway. I laid on my bed and scrolled through my phone. When I turned it on the first thing that popped up was the picture of the filer. The company that was hiring. Hmm. I do need a job.

I searched the company up and looked deeper into this job description. They had a really good pay, like really job. But the only issue was I would have to work overtime because 9500 yen an hour wouldn't be enough to pay for both my car and the bills. But I'll start worrying about that when I actually get the job.

I did the job application. It had some weird questions but I ignored past it. I also did an application for an apartment. So I could live near my soon to be job since I no longer have a car. I'll have to walk to work.


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