Aparment 12.

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Y/n's Pov

The whole rest of the 1st break, I was talking to Taro. He's actually a really sweet guys, and he's quite talkative once you get to know him.

"So what are you plans after work" Taro asked

"Oh I'm going to pack my bags and place them in my new home. Hinata-San is going to help me" I said

"Hinata-San? Like Choko? Station level SG?" Taro asked

"Yes me, and her are going to pack my furniture and stuff then she's going to decorate my apartment with Christmas decorations." I said

"Apartment?" Taro asked

"Yeah Im moving into the apartments down the street" I said

"Oh really? I live there too, what a coincidence" He said

"Can I help to" He asked

"Yeah sure, I have lots of stuff and lots of other stuff to throw out too" I said

"Can I also help" Ami said looking at us over the table

"of course you can, I was going to invite you anyway" I said to Ami

Ami only chuckled, then the bell for 1st break rang and we had to go back to work. 1st break was actually amazing everyone was nice, everyone ate, some people even gave away their food. That's not something they do at 2nd break but I really enjoyed the experience. And Akaza-San laughing at Daki was the best part.

We got straight to work, the rest of the day went by fast at 2:30 that was the time to leave and go home. Me, Taro, Ami, all waited in the lobby for Hinata to come down. I didn't know this was allowed, I thought it's either, you're working overtime or you go straight home. I didn't think you were able to wait for the upper class to clock out.

Through the glass we saw Akaza, Daki, Hinata, Gyutaro, and three other guys walking with them. The one with the red hair from lunch, one with long black hair that was in a man bun, and one with messy black hair, he was short really short, he was the same height as Hinata.

"Daki, Hantengu, follow me" Akaza said then Daki, and the short one followed after him towards the sitting area on the left side of the building.

"well hello theree omgg I think I know youu" Hinata said in a silly Karen voice walking up to me and the other two.

The red head and the bun walked away and left the building, I can feel the cold breeze touch the skin on my legs as the door opened and closed.

We first slipt into groups, Hinata and I went to my old house and packed everything then, Taro and Ami walked to the apartment complex, and cleaned all the dust and dirt in my apartment. Hinata kept making fun of me because there was still no power at my old home.

Even Taro was giggling when Hinata was making jokes

"oh Hinata-San thats so mean" Taro said trying to hold in his laugh

"Miss girl seriously needed that job tsk tsk tsk" Hinata said moving her head side to side

Currently we were placing the couch down in the living area. It was a cute medium sized couch.
Moments later we got the big important stuff in like, the couch, my bed, Tv stand, placed down all the rugs, the bed stands, drawers, etc.
Then as we are all resting, Ami was on the floor with her eyes closed, Hinata was sitting on the couch drinking her water. I was also laying on the floor. Then out of nowhere, Taro says


The room was already silent but now it felt even more silent it was an awkward silence. We all just looked at him.

"Yeah you're glitching" Hinata said

"Something's wrong with his system" Ami said then chuckled

"BHAHAHAHAH L M A OOOOO" Taro said saying each word out loud. Taro is a bit weird if you ask me. But that's just me though.

"Anyway...Yall wanna get something to eat orr" Hinata said

"I lowkey wanna stay inside though" Ami said

"Yeah it's snowing a bit and I don't wanna walk around right now" I said

"Yeah me too, look at all that rain, burr" Taro said rubbing his hands on his arms

"It's not even raining..." Hinata said the room got quiet again

"burr?" Ami said with concerned look

"BHAHAHAH" Taro started laughing again

"woops I mean snow" He said, Hinata and Ami both gave each other side eye. I gave Taro a grossed out look. This kid was actually starting to make me uncomfortable.

The room got silent again

"Anywayy, I'll order some pizza" Hinata said grabbing her phone

"That sounds good" Ami said

"Yeah" Taro said

At first I though Taro was a sweet guy, I mean he is but he's just a bit weird. Well not weirdd, but different. We don't have the same humor, and to me that's like weird, because how can we be friends if we can't even laugh together, and I'm 100% sure Hinata does not like him. Every time he says something she just gives him a side eye or an awkward look. He doesn't understand our jokes.

Earlier Hinata was making fun of the way Akaza walk's because Ami tripped when she was bringing in the rug. And I guess that just reminded Hinata of the way Akaza walks, but Taro didn't find it funny he literally said 'Shut up Now!' Then gave us a lecture on how Akaza is our boss and how we should respect him and that we might get fired and he didn't want to loose his friends because of a joke. The joke wasn't even that deep. It was just a simple reference.  Taro doesn't have our humor but he's nice and sweet so I guess I can just try to adapt to his humor.

Then food came and we all ate good. Apparently Taro lives in the apartment room right across from mine so tomorrow morning we are going to walk to work together. I didn't mind obviously. He even said on the way there we can even stop for some hot chocolate.


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