Y/n 16.

17 1 0


Y/n's Pov

Hinata was done giving instructions, she said, you and your partner need to find a place around ExtraClean to work, it can't be in any of the Station but it can be in their offices and downstairs, the cafe, the sitting area, etc.

Riku decided that we should work in his office, so as we are walking there.

"Come on we're going to my office" Riku said

"But I wanna work in the cafe" I said

"Why would you wanna do that" He said

"Because thats just makes sense, people study in cafes or we can go to the sitting area downstairs" I said

"whatever let's ask where Katio is going to work" He said

"Why does it matter where Katio is going to work" I asked

"Because what makes you think i'm going to be talking to you the whole time?" Riku said with a look, almost as if he was making fun of me

"well that's what your supposed to be doing, you should be talking to your partner the whole time, is Katio your partner, no, he's not. So cut the attitude and work with me" I said stern, and serious

"pfft BAHAHAHAH" He started laughing in my face

"bro who are you, you're L/n Y/n Station level 2, I'm Riku Lemen, Station level SG, how dare you talk to me like i'm down to your level, I can easily get you fired, you're a nobody. Watch who you're talking to like that, you don't want to loose a job, do you now?" He said very intimidating. I felt a bit threatened.

I shut up and followed him to Katio and Daki since they were partners, they said they're going to their office and Hinata said only one pair can be in an office, so we ended up going to Riku's office.

Taro's Pov

I silently waited for Y/n's return but she never came back. It's been 2 hours, it was almost time for second lunch but still no Y/n. I wonder what Akaza is doing with her, I swear if he does anything stupid. He will catch my anger. Now I'm starting to get worried, what if he sent Y/n to another Station or, worse what if he fired her. Now I really need to see what they've done to her. I knew I couldn't trust them.

Station 4 is always up to no good. I hate Station 4 they think they're all big and tall and are the bosses of everything, well they're wrong. I'm my own boss and I do what I want. So for them to think that is very disrespectful.

I got up from my seat. And looked around, luckily Shinobu are isn't here, Shinobu is the head boss of Station 2, each station assigned a boss, the boss is the best employee in that station. The bosses job is to direct new employees, show them where their desk are and tell then what we are working on for the day. The bosses inform Akaza
of any weird behavior or if anyone leave with permission.

I got up and quickly made my way to the bug glass doors, the entrance of the station. I looked around and saw that everyone was still working, Zenitsu and Inosuke were busy arguing so they weren't paying attention. I opened one of the doors and quickly ran through, it made a slight noise but I wasn't around it anymore so it doesn't look like I was the one who made the noise.

The hallway was empty and silent. The only sound was me catching my breath. I looked to my left and I looked to my right, I didn't really know my way around the ExtraClean building but I kinda remembered Hanako telling me that Station 4 is the on top floor. So I went left, because the left hallway is leading up. I walk and walked and walked looking around at all the small Christmas decorations. I did this in silence.

I was now in the Station 3 hallway, I only knew that because I can hear loud Christmas music and loud chattering coming from the inside of the station. I tried to hind myself as I walked past because all the stations expect for 4, had glass at the entrance so they can see who's roaming the halls. I quickly dashed past the entrance doors, and made it to the stairs that lead to Station 4. Bingo.

I walked up the stairs, the long empty stairs, when I got to the top it was a dead end, the long hallway only had one elevator and some word carvings in the wall on the side. I walked through quietly, since now I was at the entrance of Station 4. But then the elevator made a noise, and opened.

I got so scared of who it can be, only to see that it was Akaza coming out the elevator. I gasped but I had to keep a straight face, Y/n isn't with him which means he has done something to her, this made my blood boil. So I messed up my hair and made it messy, some of it was in my face, I had to look cool, to make him regret his life choices.

"What the hell are you doing up here" Akaza said stern and cold

"Where's Y/n" I said

"Answer my question." Was all he said, he looked so cool, and super scary

"Well for your information, I'm up here because you took Y/n from me"

"Go back to your station" He said

"Answer my question, Akaza" I said with a somewhat shout, this guy really gets on my nerves

The hallway got silent, there was no sound, it was an uncomfortable silence. I felt so scared, but I had to do this for Y/n.

He finally opened his mouth to say something,

"You're fired." Was all he said, my heart shattered, all my hard work for nothing? He didn't even tell me where Y/n was.

"You will not get rid of me that quick" I said stepping closer to him

"Don't take another damn step, now just who the hell do you think you are, walking around my building, trying to go into my station, then having the audacity to order me around and tell you where this so called Y/n is. I don't know what drugs you took or if you've eaten too many candy canes, but you do not go around having that attitude especially if you're a station 2, now go back to your damn station and don't ever come out, you will be eating 2nd lunch"  He said then walked back into the elevator

How did he know I was in station 2, was it because of my uniform, no way he recognized it that fast, and he said so called Y/n, so does that mean he doesn't know who Y/n is? I'm so confused. I just walked my butt back down to my station.


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