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𝙶𝚛𝚎𝚢𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜, 𝙸𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚍, 𝟽:𝟻𝟹 𝙿.𝙼  𝙳𝙴𝙲 𝟸𝟼𝚝𝚑 𝟸𝟶𝟹𝟶

(A/N: Since this is the last Chapter I'm going to make this family oriented It's A huge Time skip to them having there last Child)

(Here are there children and them:
Jaxon: 31 may 3 1999
Rose: 26 January 16 2004
Jayden: 15 November 27 2015
Felix: 11 January 8 2019
Sean & Patrick: 10<TWIN'S NAMED AFTER GRANDPA'S< July 14 2020
Oisin: 7 September 3 2023
Bella: December 27 2030)

"Mom?" Jayden asks, his voice tentative.

I turn to look at him, my attention fully on my son. "Yes?"

"I finished my chores. Can I go to Abby's?" he asks, excitement dancing in his eyes.

I look at Jaxon, who simply shrugs. "I don't see why not," I smile, giving him my approval.

Jayden's face lights up with a grateful smile as he rushes over to me. He wraps his arms around me, kissing my head gently. "Thank you," he says, his hand resting on my round belly, where his future sibling resides.

"Be careful, bud," Jaxon adds, his voice filled with concern.

"Will do. I'll text you when I get there," Jayden calls as he heads out, his enthusiasm palpable.

"Thank you," I call after him. I turn to Jaxon, and he wraps his strong arms around me, his protective presence comforting me.

"He's so sweet," I sigh, leaning into his embrace, appreciating the love and support that envelops our family.

Jaxon gently rubs my back and offers, "Want me to hold your stomach?"

"She's not actually moving around. I think I'm fine," I smile, feeling a sense of contentment in his arms.

"That's nice," he says, his ear resting against my baby bump as he listens for any signs of movement.

"The calm before the storm?" I muse, wondering when our little one will make their entrance into the world.

He shakes his head, his thumb tracing gentle circles on my belly. "Is that what you want to happen?"

"It's been three weeks since my due date... Maybe we should try?" I suggest, looking at him for confirmation.

"I guess the boys are all in bed, so we should be quiet," he agrees, a hint of excitement in his voice. He takes my hand and leads me upstairs to our room

𝙶𝚛𝚎𝚢𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜, 𝙸𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚍, 𝟸:𝟹𝟼 𝙰.𝙼 𝙳𝙴𝙲 𝟸𝟽𝚝𝚑 𝟸𝟶𝟹𝟶

 I wake up to a soft groan, feeling my stomach tightening roughly. I try to stay quiet, not wanting to wake Jaxon in case this is just Braxton Hicks. Slowly and carefully, I sit up and breathe through the discomfort. The sensations intensify with each passing second, leaving me in no doubt that this is the real deal.

"Jaxon," I say, stepping back into the room. "Babe," I call again, gently resting my hand on his chest.

"Huh?" he mumbles, confused and groggy from sleep.

"It's time," I mutter, my voice tinged with a mix of excitement and a little anxiety.

He shoots up in an instant, fully awake now, and I sigh in relief as I continue to rub my stomach, trying to find some relief in the midst of the contractions.

"I'll get the boys ready, and you go to the car," he says, a sense of urgency in his voice. He rushes out of the room to wake our children and get them prepared for the trip to the hospital.

I groan softly, feeling the contractions coming closer together. Slowly, I make my way out of the room and down the hallway. As I descend the stairs, I hear Felix's voice behind me.

"Mom, are you okay?"

I turn to smile at him, appreciating his concern. "I'm okay," I reassure him, taking his hand. He attempts to help me downstairs, but he's still a child, and the effort is more adorable than practical. He lets go of my hand, clearly frustrated that he can't assist me more.

"Here you go," he says, holding the door open for me.

"Thank you, sweetie," I say, offering a warm smile before stepping outside to join Jaxon.

"Okay, everyone, let's go to the hospital," Jaxon announces, taking charge of the situation. I sigh and grab onto his arm, letting him guide me to the car. As we set off on this journey to welcome our newest family member.

𝙶𝚛𝚎𝚢𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜, 𝙸𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚍, 𝟸:𝟹𝟼 𝙿.𝙼 𝙹𝚄𝙽𝙴 𝟽𝚝𝚑 𝟸𝟶𝟹𝟷

"Patrick, can you bring your sister out?" I call, my voice filled with warmth and love.

"Yes, Momma," Patrick calls, his young footsteps echoing as he rushes inside to fetch Bella. I sit down next to Sean, while Felix and Jayden take their places beside me. Jaxon settles in on the other side of the table. Our family, whole and united, eagerly awaits the arrival of the littlest member.

Patrick soon walks out with Bella in his arms, carefully placing her in her high chair. Her face lights up with joy when she sees Jaxon, and she can't contain her excitement.

"Daddy!" she squeals in delight, her tiny hands reaching out towards him. Jaxon smiles at our daughter, the bond between them evident in their shared joy.

I can't help but notice that, of all our children, Bella is the spitting image of Jaxon. While our boys exhibit characteristics that resemble their father, Bella is a mirror image of him. Her smile, her eyes, her nose, her skin tone – they all reflect Jaxon's features. It's a beautiful reminder of the love that brought us together and created this wonderful family.

Jaxon places a plate of potatoes in front of Bella, and she enthusiastically digs her tiny hands into the food, bringing it to her mouth with glee. Felix laughs at her messy eating.

"She's messy like Jayden," Felix observes playfully.

"You little stinker," Jayden chuckles, pulling Felix under his arm and playfully trying to wrestle him.

I shake my head, the scene before me filling me with warmth and happiness. "Okay, boys, time to eat," I announce, and they release each other, ready to dig into their meals.

Life with this family is perfect, and I reflect on how a single heart transplant led to the creation of this big, happy family. It's a testament to the strength of love and the beauty that can emerge from the most unexpected of circumstances.

A Ruin Of Roses (Used to be: My Mysterious Husband)Where stories live. Discover now