Field Trip To Stark Tower

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A/N - Credits to @sjdraws98 on Tumblr. Also I know that everyone does these but as I said "I have writers block!"

⚠TW - Bullying ⚠

POV - Peter

I groan as my alarm goes off. I slam it off with all of my strength, breaking the alarm.

"That's my super strengths fault," I grumble.


"Ok kids, next week I will be taking you guys on a science school trip to..."

Me and Ned were internally screaming  in excitement,

"Stark Industries!" 

My heart sank. My family will mess with me so much. I reluctantly took the form from my teacher.

"HA! The loser will finally get revealed!"

"Fuck off Flash"

Yay! MJ to the rescue!


Now, I'm reluctantly pulling a hoodie on and getting out of my bedroom. My family are at the table, eating pancakes. 

"Hey Underoos!" Tony said, looking over from his coffee.

"Hey Dad." Everyone is visibly taken aback by my monotone voice. I am usually bouncing off the walls. Literally.

"Oh and also... I may need a new alarm clock."

Bruce chuckled under his breath, "That's your 2nd one this month Peter."

I stuffed 2 of Steve's heavenly pancakes into his mouth and ran to the elevator.

"You could just stay here until your class comes, you know."

"Nah, it's fine." He said his mouth full of unchewed pancake.

"Don't talk with your mouth full!" Steve warned, like a mother hen.

"Bye Uncle Steve!"

*Time skip to school*

"Hey Ned"

We do our 'Awesome, Amazing and Insane Handshake'.

"Wassup losers"

"Ha Penis Parker's gonna be revealed today. Tickets to his downfall for Free.99!"

Everyone's scared of Flash so everyone laughs. Except for Ned and MJ of course. Flash is such a fucking asshole.

We walk to the school parking lot and get onto the buses. MJ has her nose in a book about suffragettes as usual, and Ned is super excited.

"Peter, everyone will see that your internship isn't fake!"

"Honestly, I'm just worried that my dad and uncles will embarass me. Especially Uncle Clint."

"What about your mom and aunts?"

"Nope," I say popping on the 'P', "They're too nice."

In the background, Flash starts a 'Penis Parker' chant. Mr. Harrington doesn't give a damn. He even seems to be whispering along to it under his breath. Due to my spider DNA and enhanced senses, it is giving me a major headache. I quickly slip a Panadol down my throat to relieve the pain and close my eyes.

*Time skip to SI*

Finally we reached SI and Flash was silenced by Mr. Harrington. He instructs us to, "Stay in a single file line," and all that teacher shit. Ned was bouncing on the balls of his feet and MJ didn't care. As usual. 

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