Two Lovable Uncles Flying to the Beat (AI)

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A/N - I was bored and wanting to try something so I searched up an ai story generator and used the first website. If you want it, it is here. The website is . Ok enjoy!

Peter Parker looked at the bright spiderman suit in his hands and felt happy.

He walked over to the window and reflected on his techy surroundings. He had always loved sleek Stark tower with its fat, faffdorking fancy techy building. It was a place that encouraged his tendency to feel happy.

Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Tony Stark. Tony was an excited fatherly with skinny arm and average height stomach.

Peter gulped. He glanced at his own reflection. He was a kind, funny, orange juice drinker with muscular arm and brunette stomach. His friends saw him as an attractive, annoying angel. Once, he had even jumped into a river and saved a disgusted child.

But not even a kind person who had once jumped into a river and saved a disgusted child, was prepared for what Tony had in store today.

The rain hammered like running dog, making Peter excited.

As Peter stepped outside and Tony came closer, he could see the depressed smile on his face.

"I am here because I want hug," Tony bellowed, in a happy tone. He slammed his fist against Peter's chest, with the force of 3433 ant. "I frigging love you, Peter Parker."

Peter looked back, even more excited and still fingering the bright spiderman suit. "Tony, i love you dad," he replied.

They looked at each other with kind feelings, like two substantial, sneezing spider swinging at a very sweet birthday, which had pop music playing in the background and two lovable uncles flying to the beat.

Peter regarded Tony's skinny arm and average height stomach. He held out his hand. "Let's not fight," he whispered, gently.

"Hmph," pondered Tony.

"Please?" begged Peter with puppy dog eyes.

Tony looked funny, his body blushing like an ice-dancing, important iron man suit.

Then Tony came inside for a nice drink of orange juice.


A/N - I just read this and it makes no sense lol

K bye!


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