May? (Part 2)

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A/N - Yes I'm back! Sorry for torturing you guys... Anyways, enjoy reading this next chapter! Oh, I also forgot to say that this is set after NWH.

⚠TW - Panic attack⚠

"I died?"

I blink at her confused.

"What do you mean by 'I died?'"

May looks at me heartbroken as tears well up in my eyes once again.

"I-I'm from another multiverse Peter. I have the ability to travel through the Multiverse."


She looks at me, a sad smile on her face that looks more like a grimace.

Hey! That rhymes!

"I can only stay here for one day, each multiverse can only be visited once, for only 12 hours."

⚠Beginning of TW!⚠

I look at her, horrified as my breathing rapidly quickens.

My one chance. The only chance I had. 


I hear May's voice calling me back as I shake and sob and scream.

You can't do this, your life is awful.

Nobody knows you anymore, everyone you know is dead.





I jolt up still shaking and bury myslef into May's arms.

"What can I do May? There's no-one left for me. Everyone is dead or has forgotten me and it's all my fault!"

⚠End of TW⚠

"Hey, hey Pete, it isn't your fault we died ok. Keep telling yourself that. Everything will be fine."

"I slowly nod like a toddler, glad to be loved after a long time.

5 months had passed since everything went crashing down.

I'm in this apartment working 12 hours a day, trying to make a living.

I'm just an 18 year old trying to get by.

I have no identity, passport or drivers license.

I'm just a ghost.

I've tried and I've tried to get Ned and Mj o recognize me, I go to the same cafe very single day, hoping to get to know them.

But no.

They have eachother and not me.

I suddenly realize that May has been leading me somewhere.

After a few minutes of walking, we stop at an ice cream shop.

Not just any ice cream shop. 

My childhood favourite, Baskin Robins.

I grin at May in excitement at the prospect of ice cream.

I hadn't had ice cream in months.

We go inside and I choose 3 flavours, and May happily lets me devour it as we settle down. I had *Insert your 3 favourite ice cream flavours*.

After that, we walked around New York as May chatted about her adventures in other multiverses.

"...It's so wierd, most multiverses give food for free, this is one of the few that don't..."

Soon, we reach my apartment.

May looks at me with a sad smile once again and I know exactly what she is going to say.

"I have to go now Peter."

"B-but please, just stay, please just break the rules go to that watcher guy you were talking about and make him change the fucking rules!"

She ignored my swearing, as she walked up to me and embraced me in a hug.

"I believe in you Peter! I larb you!"

"I larb you too May!"

We have one final embrace, and then she goes to my window, opens it, and jumps out.

I smile and go to my bedroom to go to sleep, finally at peace.

I got to say goodbye.

And that's all that matters.

A/N - I hope you enjoyed this. As I said in Part 1 this was a suggestion from @LuciNoceBlight so you guys can thank her for this amazing chapter 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻.

Finally, May's powers were based off of America's (from Dr. Strange multiverse of Madness) in case anyone was confused!

Remember to give me suggestions for anything you like as long as there is no smut! But i can write fluff (Especially Irondad and Spideychelle!)

That's all folks!

I love you guys 3000!

- Spidey


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