Field Trip To Stark Tower (Part 2)

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A/N - I hope you liked the meme! And please remember to give me suggestions!

They start talking about the tower and asking questions like "How have you liked the tower?" and whatnot.

Oh and by they, I mean Uncle Steve.

Finally question time comes. 

There were some simple questions first like "How is it like fighting the bad guys?" and "How much do you guys train?"

And then Flash raises his hand. And unfortunately gets picked.

"Hey Tony."

"Call me Mr. Stark."

Oooh. Dad's pissed now.

"What ages do you take for interns?"

Flash doesn't even give a damn that one of the most powerful men in the world is mad at him. If only I had that self-confidence.

"We only take college level students."


Ahhh what a mistake.

Where can I run and jump off a building right now without anybody noticing?

"What did you just call him you son of a-"

Aunt Nat slaps her hand over his mouth with a cheeky smile.

"Ok kids... who wants to go train now?"

Ah shit. She definitely has something planned.

*Time skip to when they reach the training room*

Aunt Nat leaves dad behind. Unfortunately for me, she brings Uncle Clint. 

This day is just getting worse and worse.

"Ok guys! As you know, I'm Black Widow and this is Hawkeye!"

"Hey guys!"

Honestly, Uncle Clint always acts like he's high on sugar.

"You guys can go around and try out the different activities we've set up. We've got arrows (They're dull so don't worry), some glock 26's (That's like a pistol in case you didn't know) and some obstacle courses - customized by Spiderman!"

Oh yeah... I knew Aunt Nat was up to something when she told me to design that. 

She told me to make something easy and I know she hates it when things are easy.

Most of the boys go for the pistols (thank god they only shot paintballs). They had to hit targets with those.

The girls and some boys go for the obstacle course and some go for the bow and arrows.

I go straight to the obstacle course and do that a few times, and then Aunt Nat teaches me how to properly shoot a gun with perfect aim!

*Time skip to when they're done training*

"Ok guys! Who would like to spar against me?"

Many boys put their hands up, but the girls had their hands slapped to their sides.

So are mine.

"Ahhh Peter, why don't you come?"

I shoot her a look of 'really'.

"C'mon it'll be fun"

I walk over to her fully well knowing she will try her hardest. 

Because she's just like that.

I stalk over, head down, not looking forward to this.

Clint, however, in the background was calling someone on his phone. 

Soon, a blue blur flashed through the room. I knew exactly what that meant.

Pietro and Uncle Clint were betting.

As usual.

Thanks to my enhanced hearing, I heard Pietro say "$20 if Peter wins!"

We circle each-other.

Guys I have never written a fight seen so sorry if this is horrible

She throws a few simple punches which I easily dodge. But then out of nowhere she throws a roundhouse kick to my ribs which I quickly duck under.

I grab her leg and I throw her down but she quickly jumps up and delivers a punch to my nose which I dodge.

We start circling each other waiting for the other to make the first move.

She jumps at me as a flip into the air, land on her and pin her down.

Uncle Clint counts down, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5... AND TIME!"

Pietro then shouts, "GIMME $20!"

And then Pietro gets his money.

Flash begins to get over-confident and says, "I'll take you on!"

Aunt Nat's mischevous smile comes back.

"My pleasure! Come and we can fight."

Time skip as Flash gets beat up multiple times


Aunt Nat's face hardens as she says, "What did you just call him?"

"N-nothing ma'am."

"What did you fucking say Eugene."

He gulps and looks at her and says, "I called him Penis Parker."

Uncle Steve and dad choose that moment to walk in.

They see my classmates standing in the corner, eyes wide.

Aunt Nat staring at Flash, her eyes filled with anger.

And finally, Flash cowering in the corner, looking ready to burst into tears. 

Dad then says clamly, but with anger hidden in his voice, "You are to leave this tower now or I will legally kill you. Happy, escort him out please."

"Ok let's continue with the tour guys..."


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