02: Eileithyia

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She's severely underweight and a little dehydrated. She has small swells on her knees and arms. The age compresses the poor girl down to an uncomfortable position. She had some tightness in her muscles, but other than that she looked fine.

Laswell got into contact with the task force.

"She'll stay here until she gives birth, we need to know what chemicals that scientist put into her child." Price nods along to her words, "I will also attempt to find her parents."

"That scientist was trying to create weapons of war," Gaz sneers his rage bubbling out. "We need to find him and stop him." Soap nods along as Ghost observes the situation.

"Jake West is a powerful man with powerful friends, you must be careful."

"Of course."

"What will we do with the child?" The room grew quiet at Soap's question.

"It's up to the mother—" Laswell sighs resting her hands on the table, "and up to the government too, depending on what is effected in the child." It wasn't the most... favorable sentiment but it was better than nothing.

"I Suspect Jake West is connected with Makarov's forces," Laswell tells them.

"You have evidence?" Price clears his throat, and grips his tactical vest.

"Financial transaction from a Swedish bank, attached to Milena Romanova, a personal friend of Makarov." Laswell turned her computer around to show them the thousands of millions of American dollars being sent into the Jake West.

"What is Makarov planning?" Soap asks quietly.

"To start a world war and have nonnuclear super weapons on his sides." Ghost quietly put his two cents in. Soap looks back to his lieutenant before sighing.

"Where do we begin?" He asks his Scottish accent growing stronger. He's looking for any way to fix this situation, to help Pandora.

"Locate Jake West, he can lead us to Makarov," Laswell instructs them. Everyone nods and begins to disperse for the night, almost 3 am.

Soap walks down the corridor, to Pandora's temporary room. He softly knocks on the door, silence greets him back. He gently pushes the door open preparing to find Pandora asleep.

His eyes widened, mouth fell agape. He stood there frozen in shock. He blinks before rushing forward. He fell to his knees and checked the exhausted girl, blood caked her legs.

She held two bloody children in her arms, sweat coated her forehead. She looked up at him with a soft kind smile, it only sent dread to Soap's heart. Her eyes glimmer as she looks at her children.

"I need medical Evac now, Pandora just gave birth," He states into his radio.

The door burst open, Gaz and Price standing there eyes wide and heart racing. They all gather around her looking at the two bloody children, girls. One deadly silent, her gaze piercing yellow eyes staring at them, she has her mother's eyes. The other girl woke up before screaming her lungs out, crying for no reason.

They both had features of their mother but neither looked like their mother. They were white, well they looked white. They did not look Asian like Pandora.

Medical staff rushes in with a stretcher. They plopped her onto the stretcher both children in her arms. The little crybaby shushed down long enough for everyone to speak.

"No I didn't hear anything," The private said to Soap, Gaz and he looked at each other before walking away.

"Do you think she gave girth in complete silence?" Gaz asks if it was a ridiculous sentiment but it seems to be true.

"Well everyone said they didn't hear anything."

"Isn't childbirth painful?"

"Of course!" They walked to the medical station and looked into Pandora's bedside. She was resting well, there was no complication in birth. She was bleeding, when they found her, but in all she looked fine.

There wasn't one problem... there were two. Two little girls, both made to be bioweapons. The scientists were drafted in quickly so they could do small noninvasive tests on these children.

They have to be tested. For any drugs any hint on what Jake was doing. What crimes against humanity he was participating in? They will also test for any genetic tampering and genetic disease that the experiment might have induced. They also had to test the mother.

Soap sighs and turns to Gaz, "Do you think she'll be ok?"

"I hope so mate, She deserves a better life." Both could agree to that. After some time they both parted ways back to their bunkers.

Pandora wakes up in a silent place, the bed is more comfortable than anything she has slept on in years. She could stretch out her body fully, she felt the lingering strain in her muscles pull and relax in a satisfactory way.

Her daughters.

She should find her daughters.

She staggers to her feet, weakened by years of confinement her legs bowed with every step. She needed her children, all her children. It took her a while of walking, the halls were dark and deary, no sign of her children.

A slow pained anxiety settles in her womb, growing a child of pain and suffering. Her body cramps under the weight of herself, her hand ghosting the wall as she stumbles through the halls.

"You should be in bed," She stops and looks over her shoulder, eyes dreamy and vacant. She saw a tall man with a skull mask.

"I'm looking for my daughters." She smiles at him, her voice like a whispering lullaby, soft and dreamy.

"They're being taken care of," He walks forward, "you need to rest."

"I like to see my children," She states. Ghost moves forward gently taking her arm in his hand, he'll lead her back to the infirmary.

"You'll see them later," Ghost spoke to the young girl, "Regain your strength."

"You won't hurt them will you?" She looks at him her golden eyes boring into his dark ones. She had the same dullness as himself, it saddened him, she looked completely hopeless. with only a glint of aspiration for the future.

"I promise you they will be fine," Ghost spoke up calmly to her. She smiles, walks in and sits on her bed, gazing outside at the world around her.

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