03: Saint Monica

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Laswell frowned, the testing was all strange. These children hail from European descent, specifically the Idles of Britain. They had no DNA of their mother, they had no Asian DNA.

They test the mother, only to receive nonsense there was no DNA. Simply it was blood, Ichor of chemicals. Her blood ran gold as her daughters ran red. These infants only have half the DNA to exist.

The chemicals that ran through their veins were impossible to decipher. God flecks of nonsense. The scientist wanted to deconstruct the children to learn more about this drug. Many saw them as less than children, more like machine guns made for war.

Laswell had to fight for their rights, for their mother's rights. They have promised her they be safe, and God damn them if they fail her. Laswell looks up to see Pandora gazing out the window waiting patiently for her children, she had this elegance to her, regal and otherworldly. Gold runs through her veins. These children, mother included will live the rest of their lives in the clutches of the government. They will not have a normal life.

Laswell found nothing on Pandora, no family, no parents, no connection. She was simply an entity of her own. Her DNA couldn't help. She was an orphan, a young mother in a strange world. Laswell looked again at the young mother, her gaze never shifted from the road where her children were promised to come down.

"What do we do with them?" Soap quietly asks them, what were they supposed to do. "Those children—"

"We will watch them," Price grunts looking at her. She's small no taller than 5'4". She's too frail to take care of children on her own.

"Still, is it wrong to deprive them of a normal life?" Gaz questioned from where he was seated. Soap nods and walks towards the young mother.

"Pandora," She looks up her eyes still in those dreamy lovesick state. She smiles, her teeth painfully white, gums a deep blood red, her tongue slithered in and out of my mouth like a darting lizard.

"Yes?" She asks with this strange transatlantic accent.

"Are you excited?" Soap asks with a smile looking out of the window where Ghost will bring her children back, he had specifically asked to bring them back.

"I hope my children have been good," She muses with a chuckle as her gaze turns back to the window. "I know Sissy is a fussy baby."

"You named them?" Soap asks in shock.

"I have, Mordred and Sissy." She beams before walking away once she catches a glimpse of the back SUV driving to the base. She begins to walk off down to greet the car.

"Mordred? That's a unique name." Gaz spoke up walking next to her.

"Why did you name her that?" Price asks from the back.

"She is my revenge," Pandora said with a sweet smile and voice laced with hatred and venom. They turn to each other, and she cannot hide her rage, of course, she is angry her youth, innocence, and life have been changed violently because of Jake and his scientist. The car parked in front of them and Ghost stepped out and handed both children off to Pandora, she smiled and took both lovingly into her arms.

"Which is which?" Soap asks with a wide smile.

"This is Mordred," She said raising the dark hair baby with her golden eyes, "This is Sissy," she said holding the white-haired baby with startling blue eyes. Soap smiled and stared at both babies. Mordred had a blank expression, calm and very mild. Sissy was a talkative baby she babbled and cooed at Soap.

Soap gently took Sissy out of her arms smiling like a proud dad holding his newborn for the first time. She was a giggly baby laughing and grabbing at his taunting fingers. "Look at her mate, she's so cute," Soap turned to Gaz who also had the same stupid smile. He raised her high into the air almost throwing her up.

"Don't do that, Moron," Price snaps at Soap. "She's a baby, not a grenade!" Price took the baby out of his hands, making sure he wouldn't drop her.

"C'mon captain," Soap said.

"She's an infant weak and delicate—" Pandora begins to laugh at his words.

"My babies are sturdy, true demigods, unlike the others." She smiles stroking Mordred's cheek.

"What does that mean?" Ghost looks down at her with concern.

"Well, his goal was to make new humans, the evolved human. My daughters," she turns to them with a smile, "They are children of a god."

She sounded deluded, she looked programmed to believe the madness. Ghost looks over to Price who only nods, they will need to reprogram her warped mind. But for now, they will let her hold her children in a piece and let her enjoy this moment of solitude.

Soap spent most of the week helping Pandora, fetching her anything she needed. She was far too malnourished to feed the children so he fed Sissy who was an incredibly fussy baby who wouldn't eat unless it was him and after he gives her a few raspberries. She was needed as hell, but so cute. Mordred on the other hand didn't give a shit, she ate from everybody.

It's concerning just how expressionless Mordred is. Her eyes dart from one person to another, like she is actually aware of what's going on, but awareness is only truly attainable around a few years old. Mordred was a deathly quiet baby she did not babble, she did not coo, she simply stared and watched.

Soap didn't really like Mordred she creeped him out, Gaz kept his fucking distance from Mordred, all his ancestors screamed for him to stay away from that demon baby. The only one willing to be with Mordred was Ghost. He spends most of his time letting the blank-faced girl crawl around him and touch his things.

She was not scared of him, unlike Sissy who screamed her head off throughout the car ride. She seems to only quiet down for her mother and the muppet Soap. Mordred saw past his scary mask, saw past his cold gaze, saw past all the blood on him. She saw him and chose him.

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