09: Divine Gaze

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By the time they had located where Jake West was both children were almost three years old. Sissy was getting clingier and clingier as Mordred continue to curse up a storm.

Gaz and Soap spent most of their days scouting out the base, memorizing Jake's movement. Price kept both Laswell and Pandora up to speed.

Jake had a steady routine, a weekly routine. Every Friday he goes to an internet cáfe to upload information and research other things for a few hours. Every single day he goes out for coffee at 8 am like nothing is happening. Though he was a foreigner he fit in with his pale appearance.

Soap licked his lips and pulled his hat down covering his face, and he turned to an unmasked Ghost. They were undercover and ready to pull Jake away from the cafe. They waited around smoking and a bottle of beer in their hands.

As Jake leaves the room, they walk on each side of him and strong-armed him into a van Price is driving. Gaz dragged him in and they sped off, not waiting for anyone to report them.

Soap stared coldly at Jake and was the first to speak, "You delusional monster," he sneered. Jake looks at him before laughing his unkempt appearance said it all.

"I am the father of Homodeus!" Jake said with vigor and the delusion of a madman.

"You will tell us what we want," Ghost said his face covered again in a sky mask.

"Why?" Soap grabbed his wrist and broke it. Jake screams in pain.

"Oh look at that?" Soap turns to Gaz with a smile, "He can dish out pain but can't take it." Gaz returns the smile and the two begin to talk a big game.

Pandora looked at the clock and back at her daughters, Sissy was fast asleep cuddled up into one of Soap's sweaters. Mordred was sitting on her lap, both reading through the dictionary. Pandora sat the book down and sat Mordred next to Sissy and walked out.

Her smile widened and she couldn't help but laugh. She walks through the empty base all the way to Laswell's office. As she enters Laswell is finishing up a call.

"Yes Pandora," Laswell asks.

"Did they catch him?"

"Yes."  Pandora smiled, a wide inhumanly wide smile that made her face fold a little within that smile.

"Can I talk to him?" Laswell blinks at her surprised by her request.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," Pandora said softly.

"Alright, I'll tell Price, one of them will be there as you talk to them." Pandora nodded and she left.

As she reenters the nursery she walks up to Mordred who looks at her calmly, "Your dear foolish father will be here."

"Oh?" Mordred said.

"Should be tell him that his little experiment worked?" 

"No, Mother." Pandora smiles and pats her baby on the head.

"You're right let him suffer in his failure," Pandora chuckles. "Mordred use that head of yours to defeat your father, that is your mission," Pandora instructs her baby.

Mordred nods and lies down and rolls over to face Sissy. She fell asleep quickly like the good baby she is.

Pandora sat in the rec room waiting for the team to get back. They had Jake West confined at the base scientists and interrogators waiting to break him open.

"Pandora!" Soap said loudly seeing the young mother waiting for them. "How have the babies been doing?"

"Sissy and Mordred are sleeping." Soap smiles and turns to Ghost.

"See their sleeping."

"You found Jake?" Panorda asks in a quiet tone.

"Yes." Price clears his throat and looks at her. "You don't ever have to see him—"

"I like to meet him." Everyone froze and turned to her. Gaz walked forward and took her away from everywhere else.

"Look Pandora you don't have to, you owe him nothing," Gaz says kindly. He knew Pandora had this sick fascination with West's absurd plans. She had something to prove it wasn't funny. "You're a good person without him."

"I know." Pandora spoke, "I just want to look down at him." Gaz blinked at Pandora before sighing.

"Is that it?"

"I want to see him beg." Gaz gulps and watch as she walks back into the room, a strange cold aura around her. Gaz didn't like her reason, but he couldn't stop her.

Gaz walked into the room up to Price and spoke lowly to him, "She wants to talk to Jake West." Price looks over and sighs. "I don't agree," Gaz adds.

"It's her choice either way one of us will be there with her." Price clears his throat.

Weeks passed before they broke down Jake West. Jake exposes the major movement in his experiments and what Makarov's plan was; however, he refuses to explain what he did to the children and how to stop them from aging so quickly.

"You think Pandora can make him talk?" Soap asks Price.

"Maybe but I don't think it's a good idea to send her to him."

"Agreed." Ghost grunts. "I'll go with her." 


Ghost walked behind Panora as Price led her to the prison room. Price waited outside and left the too to talk to Jake.

Jake rushes to the bars, eyes wide and frantic. He begins to laugh and reach for her, his hand grasping for her. There was a triumphant look in his gaze as if he won, Ghost pulled Pandora back away from this creepy man.

"You poor little rat," Pandora spoke out coldly.

"I am your creator!" Jake screams.

"Are you? Or are you my creation?" Jake frowns and he stares at her confused as hell. "You're so... small Jake what happened? I thought you were going to be the father of the next humans?" Pandora continues to mock before turning to Ghost.

"Let's leave."

"Wait!" Jake screams but Pandora doesn't listen and leaves leaving the groan man stumbling and confused. Ghost had no idea why she did that, but he felt proud of her for standing up to her biggest boogeyman.

"How do you feel?" Ghost asks her.

"I feel fine, I thought he be more... Godly." She muses and skips off back to the rec as Ghost stays back with Price for another round of interrogation. 

As she enter the rec room Sissy was in Soap's arm, airplanning her through the air as Mordred was sitting on the couch watching with the slightest barely visible pout.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Apr 18 ⏰

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