04: Cybele

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Sissy is a delight, her soft giggles and random babbles seem to liven the base. Many came to see the happy baby, she was perfect and the definition of cute. She had a strong grip, she held onto her fingers with a grip surprising for a newborn.

Mordred was less visited— in fact, she wasn't. No one liked her. She didn't smile, cry, or play. She watched. Laswell and the rest believed she was on the spectrum, she was far too young to be tested.

Soap spent most of his free time entertaining Sissy, making sure she and her mother was quite accommodated.

Pandora, she's a strange girl. Strong and motherly. She did not distinguish between either of her daughters. Mordred was a momma's girl, always in her arms, whilst Sissy was just content in others arms.

Laswell watched the young family, her heart pulled for them. She has no one, barely protected by the world and laws that govern them, she lives in the shadows of her experience, and will never experience normality.

But she should give her that...

Would Pandora want that?

"Pandora," she calls out, the young mother turns her head, and a soft smile graces her lips. She seems so surreal, like an Angel in human form.

"Yes?" her voice was soft and gentle motherly, she had taken to the world of motherhood with ease and grace Laswell had never seen.

"Would you care... for me and my wife, to adopt you?" Pandora tilts her head before smiling.


"I can help you, with raising the children." Pandora smiles before nodding.

"I'll be delighted."

Kate was delighted that Pandora agreed. She needed a name someone on her side, someone the government would have to answer to. Price and the others during their time away tried to find Jake West, but they found no trace of him, it's like he disappeared. He must be with Makarov. It's only been a few days since Makarov's escape from prison.

"Soap where are you?" Pandora looks up to see the other men of 141 entering her area, looking for their sergeant. Soap looks over Sissy in his arms. "We need to go."


"We think we found Jake West or one of his men." Soap nods and gently hands over Sissy to Pandora. With a single reassuring smile, he left.

Golden eyes watch him leave, Pandora only smiles before returning to her sweet babies. She hums a low tune to her precious daughters. She gently strokes their cheeks before her voice takes flight. Her voice took flight, low and husky did the song began.

my monsters' stirs, in eerie grace

their twisted forms in moonlight's trace
hush my child the moon is watching
the glowing light dances and flocking

monsters grow in silver sheen
in the night their secrets serene
the moon it whispers beautiful grace
with moonlight's touch, their secret embrace

twist and turn you'll pay the price
the moons hold the promise suffice
pay your debt or they find their might
we grow stronger in the moon's light

sleep my dear don't make a peep
for the moon's eye doesn't sleep
we grow and thrive in spectral night
keep yourself within this holy light

Her voice trails and she looks over to see the door open, Laswell steps in. She set some papers in front of her and began to explain what the document. "Just sign here and it's you agreeing to this adoption and that you give consent."

"Kate," Pandora spoke up, "What will happen to my children?" She asks tilting her head.

"Your children will be treated as US citizens since Jake West is a US citizen," Laswell explains.

"That's not what I meant," Pandora spoke up softly, "Will my children be used for what they were intended to be used?" Though her tone was soft, a glint in her eyes said it all. She was a predator ready to pounce, a soft-footed wild cat staring at a mouse.


"You promise?" Pandora leans in the soft scent of baby powder rolling off her skin and clothes. Her big yellow eyes, like perfectly ripe pineapples seem to glow eeriely as she speaks.

"They are human, it's against their human rights and the Geneva Convention, they won't be used." Pandora leans back and smiles— no it was a smirk, like she won.

Laswell studied her face, that smirk was one of triumph, like she just had won something. Laswell could guess, it was against Jake's words. His intention for their children. She looked indicated and joyous.

"When will they come back?" Pandora asks them.

"It depends, it could be a few weeks, maybe a few months," Laswell spoke up as she collected all the papers.

"I do hope they come back soon, it seems like Sissy is quite attached to MacTavish." Pandora smiles as if she is telling the older woman a secret, Laswell gives her a small smile before standing up. She left the young mother alone with her babies.

"Did you hear that Mordred?" Pandora turns to her silent baby. Mordred's golden eyes bore holes into her mother. "They think you are human," Pandora chuckles and sets Sissy down next to Mordred. Mordred gives a slight head nod and looks over to her sleeping sister.

"One day you will be my vengeance, my little soldier." Pandora smiles rubbing Mordred's cheek. "Remember to watch over your little sister, she's an airhead and a tad stupid." Mordred opens her mouth and Pandora picks her up and prepares a bottle of milk.

Of her two daughters, Mordred worried the others, but Sissy would be the bigger problem. She only had to look at her daughters to see they were different, yet just like her. They didn't look like her, but they were of her flesh and blood. Sissy's teeth were coming in, little white lumps under her pink gums, she was developing far faster than normal. Mordred on a biological level seems more human.

It was a week before they came back. They found nothing but did get a clue for their next mission. Soap ran down the halls to see the babies... Mostly Sissy. She cooed and babbled nonsense as her cute small baby hands reached out grabbing at air. With a bright smile, he lifts her. Gaz also appeared walking in smiling at Pandora.

"How have you been love?" he asks.

"Wonderful," Pandora smiles.

Ghost and Price entered at the same time, Price sat back as Ghost silently walked by to see Mordred. Mordred made no fuss when Ghost picked her up, but she didn't lean into his body. She was rigid and stiff. Ghost sat her on his lap and Mordred watched as her sister drowns in affection.

"Is Mordred, alright?" Gaz looks over to see Mordred's blank face.

"She's perfectly fine," Pandora smiles back.

"Mate she looks possessed," Gaz elbowed Soap in the side. He should say rude things in front of their mother.

Pandora only smiled.

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