07: Revelation 6:8

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Soap look at Mordred, she is probably a little slower with development, she did not baby talk like Sissy or smile or giggle, she's a quiet baby. Soap still found her creepy but a big part of his heart felt bad for her.

"Papa," Sissy coos out her hands outstretch to Soap. The thought of Mordred melts from his consciousness and all that is there is Sissy. His mind swirls with thoughts of her.

'Sissy is getting so big! What will her first sentence be? It's almost time to feed her... today she gets turkey flavor baby mush.'

"Oap— Soap!" Soap looks over Sissy in his hand, to find Gaz and Ghost looking at him. "... Mate I've been calling your name for a good minute."

"I didn't hear you—"

"You're obsessed with her."

"I am not—" For the last week Soap found himself often walking to the nursery to look at Sissy and when he isn't there he's thinking about her.

Just her.

"Mate—" Soap set Sissy down and looked at her fearfully. Sissy looked at him her baby face scrunched up tears spilling out of her eyes. She looked genuinely mad and it scared him. She screamed more like a roar her hands outstretched demanding his attention.



"What's going on?" Pandora asks. The screaming falls silent and Sissy's face lightens up tears gone, she begins to coo and babble for her mother. Pandora begins to move forward, to her baby.

Gaz grabbed her, he feared for her and Soap. Soap and he ushered her out and to the meeting room their Ghost, Price, and, Laswell were taking.

"We have a big problem," Soap said his voice shaky and he looked shaken up.

"Johnny?" Ghost asks seeing his pale face.

"There something wrong with Sissy— She— she—"

"Consumes your mind? Bends you to her will? Seduced and monopolized your thoughts?" Soap froze and turned over to look at Pandora, she knew? How? Was she in the same boat?

"What's going on?" Laswell moves forwards mostly looking at Pandora.

"Don't worry, she likes you." Pandora muses staring at Soap. Soap didn't feel better about that, it made him sick, and he wanted to throw up.

He felt like a pervert— a monster.

"Pandora?" Price calls out, "what are you talking about."

"Soap was the first man she saw, she probably saw you as her father. She likes your attention. She likes attention." Pandora muses, resting a hand on her chin thinking a small smirk on her lips.

"My pretty baby, she knows."

"Pandora," Ghost speaks out, "she's a child she had no attention higher than the need to eat, sleep, and be changed."

"Wrong." Pandora corrects him, she looks at him.

"Don't worry until she can control this, I'll tell her not to do it again," Pandora muses.

"Control what? What is going on?" Gaz snaps as he steps forward, he can see how I'll Soap looks.

"You haven't noticed?" Pandora asks smiling.

"Notice what?"

"Pandora," Laswell commands, "explain everything to us, what's wrong with your daughter."

"Nothing!" Pandora snaps. "Simply my daughters are truly my child, and they have my DNA, even if they don't look like me, they are mine," Pandora says proudly, boosting her ego.

"... What is your daughter," Ghost asks carefully. Pandora stops and stares at him.

"A Siren, a seductress, a man-eater... her diet will change soon—"

"Don't joke—"

"And Mordred... she will only grow colder, distant, monstrous," Pandora laughs and walks out leaving the room.

"Ghost will you follow her?" Price asks and Ghost nods matching after the young mother.

"You ok Soap?" Price asks seeing the pale Sargeant.

"I feel sick... it was an obsession."

"Does Mordred likes Soap," Ghost asks as he picks up Sissy.


She turns back to her daughter and begins speaking to her as if she were an adult, a being who could understand her. And to Ghost's shock, it almost seems like Sissy understood. "Now, no more manipulation, you'll scare him away. Don't use it until you can control it, my little manipulator." She says lovingly.

Ghost frowns and decides to tell others what she says, his eyes dart over to Mordred who is watching on with calmness. Ghost walks over and picks her up. Her face was kept neutral and she let him pick her up. Out of everyone, it seems like she chose him.

"She likes you," Ghost looks over to see Pandora holding her daughter, a soft smile on her face. "I think she looks up to you, clearly she sees you as an equal."

"Don't you think you should give Mordred the same level of attention?"

"No, Mordred doesn't like a lot of attention, she should be a little bored, boredom fosters thinking, and thinking creates geniuses." Ghost frowns that sounds like neglect.

"It's time to feed them." Pandora takes Sissg and Ghost follows her to the kitchen with Mordred in his arms.

"They deserve childhoods." Ghost whispers remembering Pandora's words about how fast her children are aging.

In the kitchen Laswell was heating the baby food and setting up the highchairs Gaz and Soap stood in the back with Price.

"Pa-pa," Sissy calls out to Soap stretching little hands out for him. Soap took a step back and looked very unsure.

"It's ok, she doesn't bite," Pandora smiles at him. Her smile felt threatening but Soap gently took Sissy. She giggles and coos grabbing at his face.

"... Have you found Jake?" Pandora asks quietly watching Laswell and Soap feed her children. Pandora was still rather thin, but each day she was getting healthier, she was underweight but soon she would be at a healthy weight.

"Not yet," Price cleared his throat. Pandora's brows pinched, she looked rather pained by that knowledge. "But we are looking."


"Mordred hasn't spoken yet, must be her autism," Gaz notes.

"She hasn't spoken yet because she can't pronounce things correctly, and when she learns to speak English properly, she will speak," Pandora said.

"How do you know?" Price grunts out.

"Because she speaks to me, because I am her mother, and she is a loyal daughter." Pandora smiles.

When Pandora smiles it's never a sweet gentle smile, it's always conniving, scheming, and cruel. She saw her children as who they are not now but as what they will be. It's like she knows them... who they will be.

Gaz knew she wasn't fit to be a good mother, she has a few screws loose in that head of hers.

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