Chapter 18

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My temples throb as I come to, each movement of my head beyond painful.

I remember immediately the events that led up to me being knocked out, and despite the overwhelming urge to open my eyes and jump out of the arms of the person currently carrying me, I remain still. It's hard to do, but I need a second to collect my thoughts before facing Kieran and Mason.

I assume one of them is currently carrying me.

There's a rhythmic jostling, and although it's fairly light, each movement still hurts. Mason hit me hard, and I'll be surprised if I don't have a minor concussion. I've never had one before and didn't bother looking up the symptoms before coming here, which I now regret.

I doubt concussions are an issue the faeries and shifters deal with frequently, and they probably have no experience with them. If I have one, and if it's severe, I'm probably already as good as dead.

The fact that I'm awake right now is hopefully a good sign.

I work to keep my breathing steady, not wanting to give away that I'm no longer unconscious, as I focus and try to take in my surroundings.

I'm being carried bridal style, with one arm underneath my knees and another under my back. My right arm dangles to my side, and my left is pinned between my chest and the torso of the person carrying me. It's uncomfortable, but my cheek pressing against a warm chest is the worst part.

It feels too intimate.

The shirt I'm resting against is soft, not causing any pain. The skin of my cheeks was rubbed raw when I was pushed into the dirt, but I still wish whoever picked me up had let my lead lull back instead of to the side. I'd rather wake up with a sore neck than smushed against a stranger's chest.

My head moves as the person inhales and returns to its neutral position as he exhales a second later. I can hear his heartbeat, and it's surprisingly slow. The faeries and shifters are strong, but I still thought carrying a full-grown adult through the woods would cause at least a little uptick in heart rate.

I don't know how to feel about the fact that it doesn't.

There's no light behind my eyelids, and crickets and bugs are chirping away in the surrounding woods, so I assume it's still nighttime.

How long was I out for?

My sweatshirt pulls against my torso, and something crinkles beneath my left elbow. It feels like a bandage, which I know for sure wasn't there before. The pair must have done something to me while I was unconscious.

Mason commented on my bleeding before knocking me out, and Kieran asked to see my bloody knees.

My knees.

I break out into a cold sweat as I realize there's a breeze on my legs. My leggings are tight, and I can still feel the stretchy fabric around my waist and thighs, but there's nothing below my mid-thigh.

The same scratchy, crinkling on my left elbow is also on both my knees.

Disgust boils inside me at the thought of these two touching me while I was unconscious—even if it was to bandage me up. I'd rather be bleeding and achy.

Something loud chirps directly to my left, and I instinctively jolt.

My entire body stiffens, and I immediately know I'm caught as the chest I'm resting against stops moving mid-breath. It pauses momentarily before continuing, but the slight break is enough. Whoever is carrying me knows I'm awake.


I hold back the urge to vomit as I open my eyes and look to see who's carrying me.

Kieran's piercing purple eyes are already staring down at me, the sight jarring. His expression lacks all emotion, which only furthers my anxiety. I don't trust it, not one bit, and I wiggle in his arms in a clear and desperate attempt to be put down.

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