Chapter 36

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I collapse on my back, mildly nauseous from eating so much meat but too happy to care.

The flavorless, overcooked meat is by far the best thing I've ever eaten, and I lift a piece to my lips with a content sigh. I'm going to be sick if I eat too much more, but I don't care.

It'll be well worth it, and there's plenty more for me to eat once my stomach settles.

Kie didn't even bother cutting up most of the deer Mason killed and brought back. He just took what we needed and got to work cooking.

A small part of me was afraid I wouldn't get any, but to my surprise, Mason handed me the first cooked piece. He grunted in my direction and practically dropped the food in my lap, but I'm not complaining.

My stomach is painfully full, and I run my hand over the bloated skin with a happy hum.

Today's a beautiful day.

Mason and Kie sit on the opposite side of the fire, whispering amongst themselves as they eat. They're speaking low enough that I can't make out what they're saying, which tells me I'm a topic of discussion. It makes me anxious, especially considering there's a spring nearby.

I hope they aren't planning on forcing me into the water.

There isn't much I can do to stop them should they decide to do so, but I'm trying really hard not to think about it. I have no control over their decisions, and I don't have the mental energy to constantly worry about what they're going to do to me.

I've got enough to stress over, and I doubt things will improve when I'm sold to some mysterious god. Knowing my luck, things will probably get worse.

A small part of me hopes that Zaha will take a liking to me and I can convince her to kill Kie and Mason. I doubt it would be hard for her to do. From the sounds of it, the gods are powerful and can do whatever they want.

Killing Kie and Mason would be as easy as snapping her fingers.

I let out a quiet groan before shoving another piece of meat into my mouth. I know I'm full, I can feel it with every painful extension of my lungs, but I can't stop eating. I want to eat until I explode.

Kie clears his throat, and I frown before forcing myself into an upright position. My stomach protests the movement, and I'm sure I'm far from graceful as I struggle to get off my back.

Mason watches me with poorly concealed humor, his lips twitching upward and his eyebrows raised. He probably thinks it's funny to watch me struggle, and I bet the sick fuck even takes pleasure in it. He seems like the type of person to find enjoyment in others' misery.

It's no wonder all the faeries hate him.

"Let's get to the spring before it gets dark," Kie says, tossing the remainder of his meat into the fire.

Mason does the same before moving toward the deer, and I sink my teeth into my bottom lip to refrain from speaking out when he grabs the legs of the carcass and begins dragging it away.

What's he doing with it? We're going to be hungry again soon—I am, at least—and I wasn't counting on him taking the meat away. I don't think I can physically eat any more, but I'd have at least tried if I knew this was all I would get.

My chest aches, and I feel the overwhelming urge to cry as Mason leaves with the deer. Watching him take my food away, take away the one thing that's brought me any semblance of joy since I had the misfortune of meeting these two, is beyond devastating.

It feels like somebody's driving a hot blade into my throat.

"There are several carnivores in the forest," Kie says, seemingly noticing my despair. "They aren't much of a threat, but they can be a nuisance. They'll be drawn to the deer during the night. Mace can hunt us another before we leave tomorrow."

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