The Rabbit Tribe

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Michelle started cooking, surprised at how well her new skill worked. It seemed that she instinctively knew what to do.

This was the best food the two males had ever eaten. They both looked at Michelle with reverence. "This is so good! I never knew you could use herbs this way! Mate you're amazing!" They both praised her.

Michelle Coughed to cover her embarrassment, dismissing the odd atmosphere. She quickly changed the topic. "Now let's get down to business. Benny... As my mate, I want to tell you that your opinion matters in this relationship, so please always be open about your concerns and opinions."

"You're so odd" Benny laughed and continued "I've never met a female who cares about her male's opinions. What tribe are you from anyways?"

'Shit, I hoped he would just disregard that like Kael did. I suppose I'll have to tell them eventually anyways, so I should just get it over with. I think I'll keep my system a secret for now though,' Michelle frowned and twiddle her fingers nervously. "W...Well, to honest I'm from a... tribe you might not have heard of. We are called humans, and we are from very far away. The females here usually have their estrous once or twice a year, yes? Well, I get mine once a month and can get pregnant all year round."

Both males were slack jawed. Kael was wagging his tail crazily, but Benny looked concerned.

"We can have so many litters !"

"We'll need much more protection for you if this is the case. You need to take much stronger males as well. We need to hide your fertility from others, they may take you and constantly breed you if we are not careful. Luckily I know some herbs to cover up the enticing smell of your estrous. "

Michelle was shocked, she never thought of being used as a breeding machine, this was all making her feel ill.

"It's really...that bad?" her and kael's faces were both white as a sheet.

"Unfortunately yes, but don't worry we'll get you some better protection. I promise to keep you safe Michelle." Benny said as he hugged his shaking mate.

"If there's a city nearby, maybe we should go there to get some strong mates?" Michelle asked hesitantly.

"That's a great idea," Benny said while nodding. Both him and Kael weren't looking forward to sharing her but they knew the necessity of it, especially with these special circumstances.

Benny was still hugging Michelle and stroking her hair as Kael came over and held her hands.

"Maybe we should get some rest soon mate. It's not good for your health to be worrying about this so much.

"I agree" Benny chimed in before Michelle had the chance to state her opinion.

"Okay, you've got a good point," she said, still shaking. She trusted Benny and Kael to protect her but this was all too much for right now. She needed to sleep it off.

Kael lifts her up and brings her into the hut as Benny puts out the fire. Michelle settled down between her mates. Her back against kael's furry beast form and spooning Benny in his humanoid form.

The next day they all woke up refreshed. Their morning went by quickly as they ate and prepared to head out to the rabbit tribe.

Benny helped Michelle onto Kael's large fox form, and transformed himself. They then set out towards Benny's tribe. It was a two hour trip south.

During the journey Michelle told them some of her favorite stories and sang to them to pass the time. Both males were entranced by her. They loved just hearing her talk but hearing her sing was a whole new experience for them.

The journey went smoothly. Michelle managed to pick some potatoes and various herbs along the way. She even found an edible fruit thanks to her plant identification skill. It was like an orange but a lot bigger. Its taste was even better than modern oranges and much juicier. Her mates told her they could grab some for her whenever she would like.

When they arrived Michelle was confused. "Where's the tribe?" she asked while looking around the empty space in front of her.

"We build our dens underground," Benny said while walking towards an inconspicuous hole in the ground. In his rabbit form he thumped the ground with his feet, in what sounds like morse code.

'This is Benny, I come with guests.'

There was thumping in return, 'come to the main hall, you can bring in your guests.'

Kael looked like he had understood something and started stomping wildly on the ground until Benny tackled him to the ground and told him to knock it off. Michelle just laughed at their antics.

Michelle went deep into her thoughts 'Why can I understand them and their thumping?... Oh? It's my universal language skill! This is definitely gonna be useful. I wonder what other cool skills I can get? Oh well, I'll have to check later.'

"Michelle! Michelle!" her mates called softly while looking at her with concern.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, I just got a bit distracted." Michelle laughed it off. "Come on, let's get going," she said while heading towards the hole.

Benny jumped down into the hole and looked up to Michelle, "Can you see okay in the dark?" Benny said while grabbing hold of Michelle's hand and lifting her down into the hole with him.

Michelle's eyes adjusted to the dark and she could just barely see infront of her in the pitch black hole even with her night vision skill. 'I definitely need to level up this skill'.

"I can't really see much of anything, no." Michelle brought his face right up to hers, only an inch from their noses touching, "that's better now i can see you." she smiled and kissed him quickly on the cheek. "Let's go!". Benny was pleasantly surprised, he loved her touches.

They were still holding hands, as Benny led her further through the tunnels past the rabbit guards.

"I have a glowstone in my den so you should be able to see better in there"

"What's a glowstone that sounds so cool?"

"It's a stone that can be mined that gives off a soft glow. Many tribes who use burrows have at least a few."

As they made their way down to the main hall, Michelle could hear many thumping conversations beyond the dirt walls.

Michelle was following Benny's lead as he led her down a confusing set of tunnels with great familiarity.

The tunnels were quite large and were held up with wooden support beams. It still made Michelle feel claustrophobic but its ceilings were easily 7 or 8 feet high.

They finally made it to a very large room that was dimly lit up by glowstones. While Michelle wass admiring the unusual rocks of the large main hall, she failed to notice the jealous and sinister stare pointed at her.

Michelle quickly snapped out of her trance when she saw a woman running towards Benny.

"Benny you're finally back!!!" the woman said coquettishly as she completely ignored Michelles presence. When she finally noticed her she put her hands on her hips and glared at her. "Who's this bitch?!"

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