System check and Tribe Leader trouble

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"Check Status"

Beastworld Rescue System

Host interface

Name: Michelle

Age: 20

Gender: female

Level: 2


HP: 110

Strength: 13

Agility: 20

Endurance: 16

Charm: 20

Intelligence: 21


Plant Identification 2/5 , Night vision 2/10, universal language 2/10, cooking 1/5


Stat points: 6

Skill points: 6

Shop currency: 760

'Okay, 6 stat points into charm, i'm gonna charm the loincloths? Off these beastmen.

Hmm, since leveling up my night vision I can see better. I wonder what would happen if I put my skill points into cooking and upgraded it. I need more mates and people say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, so here goes nothing.'

"4 points into cooking"

"Congratulations, cooking has upgraded to master chef, the foods you cook now give temporary buffs to the stats of beastmen who consume it."

"OH HELL YEAH!" Michelle shouted and quickly covered her mouth, 'Oops i forgot about beastmen's sensitive hearing. I should say a quick prayer for their eardrums' She clapped her hands in prayer and giggled.

'Wow I smell disgusting, I should check the shop for some soap. I would get a toothbrush but the sticks they use here for their teeth work surprisingly well. Maybe some toothpaste then.'

"Items requested; Soap and toothpaste. Granted."

"Oh? That's convenient. Thanks system. Open Shop."


*notice: Host only has level 2 shop items unlocked, please level up to increase Shop inventory*

-vegetable seeds 100 points

-fruit seeds 100 points

-bottle of water 50 points

-bread 65 points

-first aid kit 250 points

-Playing cards 500 points

-flute 500 points

-Herbology book (+5 Plant identification skill) 650 points

-Soap 250 points

-Toothpaste 100 points

"Shit that's expensive! 250 for soap? Whatever, I need it. Purchase soap and toothpaste."

"Items purchased; soap and toothpaste. 410 shop currency remaining."

*poof!* a bar of soap and toothpaste popped out of the air into Michelle's hands. She sniffed the soap. 'Mmmm it smells like vanilla. The guys will go nuts over me after i use this'

"Would the host like to store items in inventory?"

'Inventory? That saves me a lot of trouble. I wonder how much it can store. '

"Understood. Inventory space is unlimited but can only hold non living things."

"Impressive. Store items in inventory." *poof* the soap and toothpaste disappeared.

I wonder how Benny and Kael are doing. I hope they're alright. I miss them already.

Benny POV

"What is it you need me for, leader?"

The old man rubbed his beard. He's always creeped me out, but the way he treated Michelle is making me want to rip him apart. Unfortunately since he's the tribe leader I can't... for now. God, I miss Michelle.

" I wanted to discuss whether or not you'd be willing to mate with Loiusa. I know you have promised yourself to that other female but it is for the wellbeing of the tribe, you should understand."

"NO! That's final. Michelle is the only one I will mate with." I'm fuming. This bastard. I've given everything for the sake of this tribe and he thinks he can just use me and push me around like this? If Michelle found out I was being pushed to mate with someone else, she'd be heartbroken. I wouldn't even mate with Louisa before I met Michelle. This man must be crazy.

The old man looks pissed. Hmph that's fine he can think what he wants, it's not like i have to stay in the tribe anyways. "Fine but you should be wary of louisa and her mates. She may be a brat but she is cunning. Your female will be in danger." He sneered.

She WILL be in danger? What does he know? I need to get back to Michelle as soon as possible. I just turned around to leave when the old man interrupted. " don't forget your female's glow stone." he handed me a small glowstone the size of a tennis ball "give her my regards". I inspected it. Nothing about it seems off. Fine, I'll bring it back with me.

I turned around again and quickly headed towards my burrow. She should be safe with Kael protecting her...

I returned to my den only to see Michelle ALONE, resting on my furs. Rage boiled up inside me. Where is that stupid fox!? He should be protecting her!

"Michelle, where is the fox?" I asked, trying to keep my rage at bay.

Michelle looked at me and ran towards me with her arms open. She pounced on me and rubbed her face all over my neck, effectively dissipating my anger. I smiled.

"He went out to get me fruits. Please don't be mad." She pouted and looked at me with pleading eyes.

I sighed "I'm not mad, just frustrated. That damn fox shouldn't have left you alone." I rubbed my face into her neck as she did me. I'm so glad that you're safe, I sighed again.

I smell him. That fox. I thumped my foot in anger. "You left her alone."

Kael slowly came into my den holding a big leaf filled with red berries.

"Is she okay? Did something happen?" he ran in checking her all over.

"She's fine, nothing happened but it could have. Idiot." Michelle gently pushed me away and crossed her arms across her chest. While Kael held his ears to his head.

"Now Benny, it's my fault, I asked him to, so please go easy on him." She was trying to act all tough but she's just so cute. It's making it hard to stay mad.

"Okay but it can't happen again." I conceded.

"Thank you Benny!! My Love. And thank you for the fruits, Kael. My Darling. " She kissed both of us on the cheek and smiled.


After settling their issues the trio relaxed as Michelle gorged herself on the fruits Kael got her. After that Michelle fell asleep between The two men.

" So what did that old fart want to talk to you about?" Kael questioned Benny. He brushed Michelle's hair from her face and kissed her forehead.

Benny double checked that Michelle was asleep before coming clean, "He wanted to arrange a mating pact between me and Louisa"

"WHATT!?" Kael shouted.

"SHHH" Benny pressed a finger to his lips then pointed to Michelle as he glared at him.

"What?" Kael whispered this time looking at him questioningly. Benny nodded.

"I rejected him of course! That old man is conniving and I think he may be planning something with Louisa and her mates. We need to be extra careful." Benny caressed Michelle's shoulder while he spoke. "So you need to act like less of an idiot and get your head on straight, get it?"

"Yes, I understand I made a huge mistake. She needs more mates, and strong ones. We should head out to the beast city tomorrow or the next day." Kael suggested looking a little sad at the prospect of having to share Michelle with more males.

"Yes, let's ask Michelle what she thinks when she wakes up." 

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