Chapter 34 - The Third Wager

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Chapter 34

The Third Wager

Back in the stands again, Stephen saw that the old man holding the coin for the gambling yokel was establishing a fair pile. He decided to place a wager. Guessing the amount which would clean him out, he wagered fifty silver at even odds.

Nestor the storyteller held out his hand for the coin only to be met with Stephen Hagiochristophrites disdainful glare. "You are sure to lose and I do not trust the look of either of you. When he loses - and he will - this whole crowd will be on you to collect. I will hold my end and will be keeping a sharp eye to make sure that my payment will be the first out of your hands." Pons nodded his agreement. Stephen returned to the shade of the column.

"Keep an eye on that one there."

Cyn had been looking at the crowd, the marvels of the stadium, and at the beauty in the kasthima. He had not been paying too much attention to Pons' wagering. "Which one?"

"The shifty one in black without a nose. He wagered fifty against me but did not put up. He thinks he is someone special."

"Why did you bet with him he has no nose? He is a criminal. Sure it was cut off as a punishment."

"I have no ear, but I am not a criminal."

"You are probably the worst criminal in this entire city." Cyn knew that if Pons had any weakness at all, it was agitation about his missing ear and how others might see him, so he hastened to add, "Of course your wound was received honorably in defense of your Lord, whereas that man is certainly a sinner. On that we can agree. If he tries to run out without paying? You want me to shake it out of him?"

"No, simply keep an eye on him. I saw him speak with the Emperor Andronikos. They know one another."


"If Andronikos is behind Renier's death - that shady criminal looks to be the sort to have done the deed."

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