Chapter 41 - Later That Evening

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Chapter 41

Later That Evening

At the Golden Eel the candles had burned low and only Pons remained at the table with his two drunken guests. Cyn had gone with the old storyteller to find a girl. All the other customers had drifted off and only the proprietor and his wife remained

"There was a man, dressed in black, lacking a nose, who spoke with the Emperor. Who is he?" Pons asked.

John Doucas leaned back from the table and crossed his arms over his chest and belched. He gestured to Brian. "You are with the Emperor all day. You must know his name when he is summoned. What are your opinions regarding the fellow?"

"You will not catch me spreading court gossip so easily. I defer to your eminence's judgment."

Sighing and leaning forward again John Doucas said, "To answer your question: his name is Stephen Hagiocharistophrites - which means bringer of Christ, although one courtier, who fancies himself a wit, recently referred to him as Stephen HagioAntiCharistophrites - bringer of the Anti-Christ. The sobriquet seems to have stuck and we will no doubt shortly see the man who coined the nickname dead in an alley or mauled by a bear between the races." He looked to Brian. "Varangian - your task is to protect the Emperor Alexios, and this Stephen Hagiocharistophrites is exactly the sort of vile, loathsome cretin that you are to protect him from." Looking to Pons he added, "I have no idea how he tacked himself on to Emperor Andronikos or why he is trusted, but if you want my opinion, as to who killed your master's valiant young son... seek no further."

Brian held up a finger, finished his bowl of wine and poured another brimming one before saying. "Greatest respect eminence, but I don't think he did. Kill your Renier, I mean. The Caesar was formidable - that noseless sneak would not have stood a chance against him in a fight. I wager he was poisoned. On the same night as his wife, Maria Porphoregenita was poisoned. And I wager a eunuch - the one who brings Emperor Andronikos his cupful of tonic each morning - is the one who did it. All was confusion for three days."

John Ducas belched again and nodded to Brian. "Do not finish that bowl. I need you able to stand and escort me to my home safely carrying all of this old highwayman's loot. I don't want you pissing up against some wall when his enemies come for me. In the city only a single day and he has half a dozen men armed with cudgels out for his blood. He is a Latin alright. I can see why the Margrave of Montferrat has faith in him."

* * *

Prudently Cyn set out into the streets with enough coin for an extravagant romp, but not so much that if he were to lose it or his purse were cut, that he would feel too poorly.

"Quality beds. The prettiest girls."

Nestor said he knew just the place, but the city was immense and it seemed to take forever to get there, especially at the limping pace the storyteller set. Cyn tried getting him to sing. Loudly.

"Please sirrah, it is not the custom to be so noisy at night. Those men from earlier may come back, or others with even worse intentions. Please lower your voice."



Finally, off a lesser messe up a bit from a forum which Cyn had passed through earlier in the day (or had he? Everything looked different in the dark) they came to a door in a wall. Nestor's banging opened the door long enough for a quick up and down inspection by the major-domo of the establishment. The door was shut on them after a contemptuous "Fuck off."

Follow up knocking and a display of silver eventually allowed admittance. Four sleepy girls were roused for Cyn's perusal. Now this was what he had been talking about. Despite the lateness of the hour and the lack of a prior appointment - beauties each one. Buxom and curvy or svelte and lithe. Raven haired or strawberry blonde. Fair skin and freckled or dusky and smooth. Pink nipples, brown nipples.

"I don't suppose... If you've any to spare... It has been such a long time..." Nestor looked hopeful.

"You had free dinner and wine after the races. That is enough fun for one day Pops." Cyn gave him a couple of silver coins. "Wait here and take me back to my friend in the morning." He gave a couple more coins to the curviest of the girls. "Tell her to give your old legs a rub." Drunk and horny he went off with a quiet girl who closely resembled the beauty from the Emperor's box at the races.

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