Part 5

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Waking up in Perths bed, Chimon looked around the room for his new Boyfriend. I wonder where he's at. I'll probably need to leave soon. We have an event today and I will really need a cup of coffee before then. We stayed up so late, I'm surprised we're not still asleep right now he thought. Looking at the clock it was 10:35.

Chimon sat up, looking around the room for the rest of his clothes. Then, the bedroom door opened.

"Chimon? You're awake," Perth walked in with a basket of laundry.

"There you are. I was just looking for my pants that I wore yesterday" Chimon replied, feeling a little shy about it.

Lifting up the basket, Perth said, "I've got your clothes right here. I cleaned them. They were laying on the floor and I wanted to make sure they would be clean for when you take a shower."

His face suddenly feeling hot, Chimon looked from his face down to the bed. "A shower? You want me to stay here even longer?"

"Well yeah. I also want to make a meal for my Mon. Can't I? I want to take care of you" Perth responded with a nervous smile on his face. He set the basket on the bed and approached Chimon.

Still feeling shy, Chimon slowly looked to Perth as he stood in front of him. "Perth, why are you so sweet? So sweet so sweet..."

"Oh Darling. You're the one that causes me to be like this," Perth replies, grabbing Chimon's hands. Pulling him up, Chimon stands directly in front of him.

Perth continues, "I know this is all new, but I can't tell you how much you truly mean to me. It's indescribable." His eyes gaze lovingly into Chimon's eyes.

"'re too much," Chimon replies as he swings his arms around Perth's neck, stepping even closer. They shared a teasing, yet loving look.

In a low voice Perth said, "Chimon I want to be with you and take care and of you for a very very long time." Then, inching closer, feeling the warm exhale of his partner. Before Chimon could reply, Perth initiated a tender kiss. Slow and soft, they moved together, their lips filling with desire.

After several minutes, they pulled apart, feeling breathless. He truly is eager to consume me. I can't get enough, Chimon thought to himself as he kept eye contact with Perth.

"Chimon, I love kissing you. All of you" Perth said in a whisper.

"Owww. How sweet my Tanapon is"

"Really!" Perth replies giggling. Their exchange of laughter filled the room.

Seeing some sweat form on Chimon's forehead, Perth wipes it with his thumb. "Okay, now I think you should quickly shower while I make something to eat." Giving his partner another dreamy smile.

"But I'd rather eat you" Chimon daringly says.

Perth being thrown off my this, he immediately starts blushing. "Chimon!" Nudging him.

"Hmm..." making a silly expression and sticking his tongue out to lick Perth.

Perth slightly pulls away to avoid being teased by his Phi. "'re teasing me too much already today."

Giggling again Chimon said, "okay Perth, Chi will get in the shower. You wanna join me?" Raising his eyebrows.

A wave of hot embarrassment came over Perth making him blush even more. Speechless but smiling, he looked away and then back at Chimon.

He is so cute when he's like this. I want to see this look more often. I really have to tease him some more Chimon thought, adoring his boyfriend. "So does your silence mean yes?" He continued.

"Uhh, no...Phi. you want..." Perth feeling bashful, unable to speak properly. Smiling, he steps closer to hug Chimon, wrapping his arms tightly around him, "P'Mon, you make me crazy." Feeling his confidence return, "let's go. I want the water to be nice and hot."

Shocked at Perth's suddenly serious answer he gulps. Is he serious?

Then, Perth pulls out of their hug and grabs Chimon's small left hand. He leads Chimon into the bathroom. Overcome with excitement a wide wild smile forms on Perth's face.

Looking at Chimon, Perth takes off his shirt and throws it to the bathroom floor. "Your turn Chi" he says, taking in the questioning expression of his boyfriend.

"Perth, isn't this embarrassing?" Chimon says looking at his shirt he was wearing, which belonged to Perth, then up to Perth's face then looking down to the floor.

Chuckling, Perth moves in, and whispers, "I've already seen all of you P'Chimon. Don't you remember that I've tasted so much of you already" and he glances down to Chimon's crotch, "why are you just now feeling embarrassed?"

Realizing what Perth meant, Chimon tightly shut his eyes, feeling more embarrassed, trying not to cringe. But feeling blood rushing to his head.

Gently touching his face. "Hey hey hey. Phi, I liked doing all of that. I want to see you and taste you again and again. You're my boyfriend after all" Perth said, attempting to reassure him.

He's right, but that...that's crazy. Did he say that aloud because it's making me shy Chimon thought before slowly opening his eyes. Looking at Perth, a large grin with beautiful teeth was plastered on his face.

"Mhm ok" Chimon replied. He slowly took off his shirt. A slight coolness of the air was a good relief as he stood there only in his underwear.

"Wow wow wow. Look at my boyfriend. I want to show him off to the entire world. He just so perfect" Perth teased in a playful tone of voice. Smiling with a slight pink tint forming on his cheeks.

"P'Perth!" Chimon nearly whining to him.

Hearing Chimon call him Phi excited Perth. Chimon knows that it makes him absolutely crazy. So he couldn't help but quickly kiss his boyfriend's cheek four time.

"Mmmm. So sweet" Chimon teased in return. Then, turning his back, he turned on the water in the shower. After checking the temperature he looked to Perth and winked before dropping his underwear to the floor and stepping into the shower.

Uhhhh, he is so daring sometime. He knows just how to drive me insane Perth thought as he smiled to himself. Taking off his own underwear he surveyed his body, feeling some nervousness creep up.

Stepping into the shower, Perth hugged Chimon from the back. "Perth?" Chimon began in an earnest tone. "You don't actually plan to show me off, do you? Because I thought we seriously agreed to keep our relationship a secret."

Messaging Chimon's stomach with his fingers Perth exhaled loudly. "Chi, I know that's what I said and that's what I want but I wouldn't do that. We both know what kind of chaos would happen if we did have a public relationship."

"Yeah. Okay. I was just checking" Chimon replied. He placed his hands on top of Perths, trying to calm his nerves.

Smelling Chimon's hair and gently kissing the back of his head, Perth continued. "I don't think either of us could deal with the questions from our friends or families either. We would be putting ourselves on display. In a different way than usual."

"Yeah. It would put our relationship as a couple and work partners at risk. Thank you for being understanding. I'll also do my best to keep us safe." Chimon talked through his thoughts about the topic. He closed his eyes and felt the inhale and exhale of Perth's chest.

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