Day 3 : Noises

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I've gone back to the brook and the same noise is around again I've sussed out it could be either A wolf or a fox, I'd love to see both of them as I can draw them in my sketchbook, which I now bring down to the forest along with some watercolours to paint the scenery.
Got some more herbs and rocks , even another hag stone as I'm back down near the brook. Out of the corner of my eye I see flaming reds and oranges in the form of a beautiful four legged creature : a fox. I take photos of it on my camera and start an outline on my sketchbook. All of a sudden it walks over to me limping, it sits itself down next to me with a huge stick right through the middle of its paw .  I use my first aid kit to get it back to normal (ish). I finally found what the noise was and it is gorgeous, I wonder if I'll ever see her again though .

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