Day 9 : Agate

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Packing my bag for my day trip I decide to change it up a bit, I packed some sage some  selenite and a box of matches in order to properly be at peace and cleans my surroundings. But aside from that I have a goal of setting out for some more crystals - yes I know I have already found lots of gorgeous specimens but the main one I'm looking for is agate -  or quartz but in a geode. So instead I walk away from my boulder when I arrive in the forest and towards the brook - 'bout a twenty second walk so I put on my shorts and begin my search. I find some quartz points and a calcite raw specimen but so far no luck . I even brought out my chisel and hammer so I can open the geode and get a clean cut. An entire 30 minutes goes by and so far no luck. Just then Nascha appears on the boulder and yells from up above . "Hello!" She yells "I see you came back"?! She said happy but confused. "Yes, I come most days and I love it here- it's my comfort zone" I reply . My bag is wide open and Nascha could see through the top my cleansing kit. "Planning on doing a ritual then"? "Can I join"? She asks me . "Yes of course I'd love that"! I reply. We finish the ritual and she gave me some tips of finding geodes . I'd scanned past at least 2! But I went home that day with 2 agate and 1 quartz geode all very decent sizes .

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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