Day 8 : A friend?

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Setting up and getting ready I go down my usual trail set up - as usual , yet it feels so unusual. I feel watched I feel stalked I don't feel alone I don't feel comfortable yet still I go on . Getting to my boulder I settle down - as usual same blanket same tea same watercolours. Not the same feeling. I Stop a moment or two and nothing happens so I just get on with it. A small voice ripples from the waves of the brook in front of me. "Hello"? A distinctive yet fragile voice says. Wearily I get down from my boulder and reply , "Hi" I say like this happens every day. An average sized girl comes out from the shadows and introduces herself , "I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable but I've never seen another person in the woods" , "I'm Nascha" She says in a slightly happier tone. "Im Ethel , pleasure to meet you" I replied. "Pleasure is mine" she eagerly responded * which made me blush a bit *

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