Day 7 : Wisteria

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Wisteria. The most beautiful tree to be found locally too me. It's natural shades and huge of purple make me love the earth oh so more than any human could . The birds , bees and bugs come together and harvest from the tree, using its leaves and flowers to keep the circle of life in its order. The light colours remind me of kunzite and lepidolite crystals in a way that feels joy and uncontrollable happiness whenever I'm near , like being away from a parent at a sleepover and returning home to feel their warmth in your arms. I get set to go out to my regular hike / watercolour session / calming area and plan to make a detour. I enter the trail and set a course west of my usual trek. Took me only 3 minutes or so of detour to arrive at the wisteria tree . I pour my tea from my flask , set out my watercolours and begin painting. From the dark trunk of the tree to the lightness of the petals I draw , erase and paint every detail. About an hour or so I pack up and head out to the normal trail. Clambering on my boulder laying out my checkered red picnic blanket and this time I have a book. Not to read not to write in but to take inspiration from it and put that into my paintings . Nobody ever asks about my paintings , nobody ever asks about my hobbies , nobody ever asks about my interests , nobody ever asks what I want to be when I grow up , nobody ever asks about me. I'm just here , chilling my way through life without a care, I have no bad school records im not known by the police nobody really cares who I am. I guess though in a weird way I enjoy it - no drama no fuss no going out on day trips - other then with family of course. I love my family day trips and weekend trips and week trips. I love going out with them because all we ever do is go on hikes or nature walks or to the beach or on holiday and we visit a museum. I love my family and they love me , what more could I need or want?

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