Day 6 : Home for Christmas

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I wake up on Christmas morning with the excitement of any child on Christmas morning- presents under the tree and parents wide awake awaiting my arrival to their room . "It's Christmas!" I yell as they have everyone's stocking laid perfectly on the end of the bed. I clamber on and we all tear into our gifts. I receive; a raw sunstone specimen, an opal ring , and aura fluorite tower , a celestite cluster , a blue obsidian necklace and many many more gifts I am truly grateful for. My other family members arrive and we prepare the dinner - I begin making pings in blankets , goose fat and rosemary roast potatoes and a bread sauce. I feel so so so accomplished for that I actually helped with the dinner I've gotten into baking recently so I will probably be making some more dishes or finding new recipes to try! Untraditionally we open main gifts after Lunch and from that I receive; and incense set , a watercolour set with a strange but very fascinating box that folds into and easel! I receive some more crystals and some sage sticks . Thank you to my mother and father who organised it all - and to my girlfriend Nyx who gifted me the most beautiful moon necklace x . Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

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