Chapter 2

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When he was seven and newly adopted. It had been just five months after being adopted. And his sister Alice had begun to call their mom Jonhei.

Now now, Anzio copied Alice's every move. Mom said it was quite cute. He looked up to her and despite them both being the same age she was the older sibling. He doesn't have the three Jos like she did. But quickly he learned to see how Alice saw their adoptive mom Lake Ripple as Jonhei. That name was usually reserved for someone who you saw as special. And soon Anzio and Lake came to a moment where she was his Jonhei.

When he had his first episode of mental illness, she was there. So he guessed that he can see a little of Jo and hei in her. So, he was calling her Jonhei despite not having known most water customs when it comes to it. Alice was from the Aqua Lands and therefore actually knew what a Jonhei was and what the name meant.

Back to that moment him and her...

Her? Oh right, that was until that health class where Alice freaked out.

That Homosexual talk was new to Alice. But Anzio knew already because of what most boys talk about. And for the record his Mothers are not Lesbians.

Two women can't have a baby!

No no. According to them both, Lake is Non-Binary and Ghibli is Pansexual.

Oh! He doesn't want to even remember that was so bad!

The whole how is she eleven and not know? Thing is so stupid when you realize that it came from Ms. Ertha.

Speaking of which, they were here right now.

"Well forgive me Papa, if you find me disrespectful."

They never wanted to cause either of them pain. But there are times when life is so so frightening. Maybe Poseidon does things that he will never explain. But this doesn't change the way that their feelings for both of their son and father never change.

Anzio Ripple is still Lake Ripple's precious one. And they're still Dewey Ripple's Daddy's girl.

Then there's Mommy the art-aholic.

"Hey momma."

"Ertha you can't understand because you're not a mother."

"I taught you. I think I have some experience."

Ghibli gave Anzio a hug.

"Hi, how's the farm?" She asked.

"It's pretty good. For a starter," Anzio said, proudly smiling. He has a long way to go before he can become the greatest farmer of all time.

"That must mean you're a very good farmer." She chuckled.

Those words feel good.

"Well, what am I doing here if you're going to give her all the attention?" A voice chuckled.



Both of them were 39 years old. Anzio is twenty in case you didn't know.

Nineteen years apart.

Anzio squeezed his Mother as hard as he could. Hey, they weren't fragile, they could take it.

"How are you?" They asked.

"I'm better now that you're here." He chuckled.

"That's my boy." Lake chuckled and then ruffled his watery locks.

There was a moment of silence, Anzio had wanted to get away from Element City because he couldn't handle Mentos. It was never his Alma Mater and it would never be.

"Um, what am I doing here letting you in the hot of the sun?" He chuckled.

"Please, come in." He gestured to his little house of two rooms. This house was quite dusty. But hey, it was home.

"What a nice house." Mom said, smiling.

"Thanks momma." Anzio said.

"Did you develop a Southern accent over these two years?" Jonhei mused.

"Do I sound Southern to you both?" Anzio questioned.

"Yes, a little bit." Lake mused with a laugh.

"Where's that Wendy girl you talked to me about?" Ghibli inquired.

"She moved to her own house in a small town. It's not far from here and it's an hour away. In fact, I'm it's main food source." Anzio explained.

"She works as a waitress and lives there. She also got married." Anzio said, his voice cracking at the married bit.

"Oh." Lake and Ghibli made a noise.

"It's fine. We all get over a crush right?" Anzio said weakly.

Lake and Ghibli looked at each other. Right... crushes..


"Mommas I'm not like you both." Anzio wearily said.

College Sweethearts till the end.

"It's fine Anzio." Ghibli spoke.

Anzio Ripple is still Lake Ripple's precious one.

"Anzio, may I speak with you?" Lake asked.

On the matter of what happened April, Saturday, for a second Lake and Ghibli truly believed that..

"Sure Momma."

They went out, leaving Ghibli with her own thoughts. As she thought to what her partner and son were up to.

Out in the backyard, the smell of two pigs and a cow filled the air, as Lake and Anzio talked. Judging, Anzio didn't hold a grudge against his Mother/Jonhei

"Listen Anzio, I'm very sorry that I thought Wendy went all traitor on you. It was stupid of me to believe Ertha's words." Lake sighed.

Yes, Ertha is world's worst abuser.

"It's alright Jonhei. Me and Wendy are over it. Ertha twists and twists doesn't she?" Anzio chuckled.

"Yeah," Lake sighed.

Anzio missed his mommies. 

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