Chapter 5

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When everyone is town was scared about him. Was it because of... himself? No competition for who sells the best milk. No remarks about his parentage? Just... him?

You see, Anzio is just like everybody else. But there is that one thing to him. The fact that his soul can't be like everyone else. That his eyes are not as same. Sane! God.

It's happening again. His words aren't coming out the way he wants them to. An episode of coming up, nowhere to go now. See, this is why Anzio and Wendy don't talk anymore!

Back when he was eleven years old, he confessed to Wendy his parents were gay.

"Ehh, gay? Not- well yes."

She didn't tell but someone definitely did tell everyone.

Doesn't anybody ever hear them? Doesn't anybody ever think to get them right?

There was a guy named Schyler Nimbostratus who apparently told everyone. Smira told Anzio. Turns out he was right.

But putting that old grudge aside, Anzio was thinking back to when he first had his episode of mental illness. That was when for the first time ever, Lake Ripple was a Jonhei without it being because he copied his sister. But because they were there in the moment. He didn't know what to do in that time, he was very confused on what was going on.

For a second he thought his mom was there. But not like he had any memory of her. He was five when she left him at the adoption center. Probably the only memory there is of her. And most probably the smartest thing she could ever do.

He was eleven and he was very chocked. Chocked? Shocked. When he felt his first episode of his genetically inherited Metal Illness, Jonhei actually helped him. It lasted for at least an hour until his sickness left him.

One time, they were at this farming thing, and then Lake accidentally drove a wedge between him and Wendy. Sometimes, whatever drama that happens between the parents should stay between the parents. One day, Gia and Lake were fighting about something that Gia lied. And then Wendy and Schyler had this farming gig, and Gia didn't tell anyone. So Lake and Ghibli accused Gia of lying and then making Wendy lie.

Mom was really hurt. For a second she thought she betrayed her.

"She lied straight to Anzio's face!"

"Yes, yes she did."

But that was all cleared up. Anzio called her out the second that Wendy came back. Wendy even cried because she didn't want anyone to fight over anything. he's just glad Lake said sorry.

"Don't listen to her, you know who your real friends are."

"I don't think we even are friends anymore."

He does think it did drive a wedge between him and his old crush. Sorry Momma, Jonhei, the damage is done. But thank you, I forgive you.

Speaking of speakin', did Anzio ever tell you of this one teacher he had. The Verbally and emotionally abusive one? Her name is Ertha Grssman. She actually used to teach Momma at her old school when she was 13- 14 years old.

In some eyes, his sister Alice was the scum and he was the gold. But hey, even favorites face misfortunes. One time, he was standing up for 'lice (Yikes) and Ertha pinched him. She pinched him.

"We can go to bed now." She said.

"Yes." Anzio said, he pulled the blankets on them.

"Say your prayers."

"Yes Alice."

"Now I lay me down to sleep. Pray for Basha to keep my soul."

"If I die one-day in bed, hope one day he'll take me home."

Granddad and Uncle Wade disagreed on almost everything. There was this marching band incident. Granddad wanted him to try out for Waveball. But instead Uncle Wade chose a marching stick over a waveball.

At some point, Anzio was sure that Granddad would have disagreed on Uncle Wade's choice of wife. Or maybe it goes backwards. Maybe it's not true.

"If Granddad hates Uncle Wade-"

"He doesn't hate him. They just- they just didn't really like each other."

Dewey never wanted to cause his family such discomfort. But maybe life does things it cannot explain. But maybe someone's feelings for someone doesn't change.

He still loves each and every one of his kids. They are still his precious pearls.

Can they forgive, what they said?

"I'm sorry if I've been disrespectful papa."

"Hi Grandpa."

"Welp, I guess I'm officially your grandson now, Mr. Dewey."

He chuckled and then sat down next to the bed, ruffling his liquid locks.

"You are still my sweet river Brook one."

"When he sees me I'd rather die Harold."

"My Jonhei does not need forgiveness from me."

"I was wrong to say that to her. And that girlfriend of hers."

"I depend on your words of wisdom."

"I wish I could say sorry to them now."

"Me and Alice would rather die than watch than see them cry or suffer."

"I'd rather die than see them suffer."

"Won't you bless me?"

"Bless me now and how?"

"Look inside your heart."

"Can you look inside your heart?"

"That's where the deed is much done."

"If I could show my mom the mercy she had been denied then I would."

"I don't wish much from them nor their wife, their wife now."

"They're the reason that I breathe."

"They're the reason that I exist."

"I never thought one day I'd haunt their child."

"In my life there's one thing true."

"In my life there's one thing true."

"I'll always love my Jonhei."

"I love my baby."

"Mom, was Alice your favorite?"

"No, favorite? I didn't favor Alice, I just stood up for her more since Ertha attacked her more often." Ghibli explained.

"Hey, I thought you quit smoking?" Anzio said, the stench of his mother's cigarette filled the air, please don't die, baby pig.

"Yeah? Well I started to after your sister died. 

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