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~ although being jealous for kendra and usually acting passive-agressive towards her all the fairies actually love and adore her. they follow her around, give her flowers, try to help her with things even if they're too small, make her flower jewelery...

~ seth introduced some dryads and satyrs to internet and technology. it did not end well. a few dryads learned tiktok dances, satyrs became addicted to memes and fairies started fighting over who looks best with instagram filters. andromadus discovered powerpoint and constantly makes presentations about management of wyrmroost. 

~ when dragons, unicorns and other big unhuman creatures change to their human form, they still "feel" their horns, wings, tails etc. they forget they have them so they like stand in the middle of the room to not bump into things.

~ all of the magic beings are queer. they just don't label themself and don't care for heteronormativity. also, they are very tired of explaining to seth what being nonbinary means. (they actually made him discover some things about himself...)

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