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raxtus as human??

~ kendra and him were training with their powers after "dragon watch" a lot and raxtus figured out how to turn into their fully human form.

~ his hair is naturally pink and his eyes are chocolate brown. and he dies his hair a lot actually, mainly in unnatural, bright colors.

~ he doesn't really care for labels or pronouns (he doesn't even know what are those exactly because he didn't go to any school lmao).

~ when he discovered phones he became obsessed with making photos of every pretty thing, person or view she sees. his gallery is full of sunsets, sunrises, flowers, his friends, food and cute animals.

~ ruth and him bake together almost every week. raxtus loves ruth's cinnamon rolls and they gest along really well. he often makes little presents for his friends that include a few cookies, flowers and a sweet note. 

~ he loves light, soft colors, pastels, especially green, blue and pink.

~ raxtus listens to the crane wives, tv girl and alex g because i do. also, they would listen to kwiat jabłoni if they were polish.


i didn't have time to check if there are any mistakes so sorry if u find some

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